Below is the schema for the athena table
I wish to calculate median for ‘parameter_value’ group by standard_lab_parameter_name & units. For this I followed link : But on running the query
select median(parameter_value) from table_name group by standard_lab_parameter_name, units
It throws error
SYNTAX_ERROR: line 1:8: Function median not registered
Any help? Or if some alternative query would be great
Athena is based on Presto 0.172 – you can see all supported functions in AWS DML Queries, Functions, and Operators. I guess you could use approx_percentile(x, percentage)
or approx_percentile(x, w, percentage, accuracy)
, see Presto Aggregate Functions:
Returns the approximate percentile for all input values of x at the given percentage. The value of percentage must be between zero and one and must be constant for all input rows.
select approx_percentile(parameter_value,0.5)
from table_name
group by standard_lab_parameter_name, units
Keep in mind that this is a Approximate Aggregate Functions.