I’m hoping you can provide some insights on a couple of issues:
ISSUE 1 – i’m receiving the following error message running in Teradata: “Syntax error, expected something like ‘)’ between an integer and the ‘then’ keyword.”
There are some duplicate records in my data and what I am trying to say is if all conditions are met, then Age in Days equals 1, otherwise, calculate the days.
ISSUE 2 – the date_diff is not calculating correctly (see table)
Date_Phase_Modified | Historical_Phases | Date_Diff |
1/4/2021 20:33 | Closed | shows 0 – want to see 1 |
1/4/2021 20:32 | Implement | 63 – this is correct |
12/1/2020 18:34 | Implement | shows 29 – want to see 0 |
11/2/2020 18:20 | Implement | 0 – this is correct |
10/21/2020 20:07 | Early Stage | shows 0 – want to see 1 |
10/21/2020 20:06 | Early Stage | 0 – this is correct |
10/21/2020 19:59 | Early Stage | 0 – this is correct |
CASE when((
MAX(cast(Date_Phase_Modified as date format 'MM/DD/YYYY')) - MIN(cast(Date_Phase_Modified as date format 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
over (partition by F.oprty_key_nbr, Historical_Phases order by Historical_Phases, Date_Phase_Modified asc) Day(4)) = 0 then 1 else
MAX(cast(Date_Phase_Modified as date format 'MM/DD/YYYY')) - MIN(cast(Date_Phase_Modified as date format 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
over (partition by F.oprty_key_nbr, Historical_Phases order by Historical_Phases, Date_Phase_Modified asc) Day(4))
end as Age_In_Phase,
This seems to match your expected result:
WHEN Date_Phase_Modified = -- for latest row per phase
Max(Date_Phase_Modified) Over (PARTITION BY F.oprty_key_nbr, Historical_Phases )
THEN -- return duration of phase, but at least 1 day
Greatest( Cast(Max(Date_Phase_Modified) Over (PARTITION BY F.oprty_key_nbr, Historical_Phases ) AS DATE)
-Cast(Min(Date_Phase_Modified) Over (PARTITION BY F.oprty_key_nbr, Historical_Phases ) AS DATE)
, 1)
END AS Age_In_Phase