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C# Get correct filpath string for SQL update Statement

I have created a small WinForms Application (.Net 4.8, SQL Server 18). Now I want to update a picture in my database. For that I have created this method:

public void UpdateBild(string picturepath, int id)
    string bildupdate = string.Format("UPDATE {0} set bild = (SELECT  BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET(BULK  N'@pic', SINGLE_BLOB) AS x) where persid = @id", Klassen.Data.Gettabellenname());

        com.CommandText = bildupdate;
        com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pic", picturepath);
        com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id);
    catch (SqlException sqex)

    catch (Exception ex)


The picturepath will be set like that from a textbox:

picturepath = tbDateiPfad.Text;

and it will be passed to the method like:

DBVerbindung.SQLStatements upbild = new DBVerbindung.SQLStatements();
upbild.UpdateBild(picturepath, id);

If the method gets executed, I get the error ‘Picture not found’.

I think there is a problem with the file path because, if I execute the UPDATE statement directly in database with the filepath (copy from dircetory search) it is working fine.

So can you please help me, how I can pass the filepath from textbox in correct form to the paramter for the SQL query.



The filename must be specified as a string literal instead of parameter for OPENROWSET so you’ll need to specify that value in the SQL statement string:

string bildupdate = string.Format("UPDATE {0} set bild = (SELECT BulkColumn FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N'{1}', SINGLE_BLOB) AS x) WHERE persid = @id;", Klassen.Data.Gettabellenname(), picturepath);

    com.CommandText = bildupdate;
    com.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = id;

Note the table name and file name values must be obtained from trusted sources and validated since the values are not parameterized. Also, avoid AddWithValue.

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