I need to run the following statement in PL/pgSQL.
if file_record.has_recieved_time_column then EXECUTE FORMAT('COPY mytemp (columnA, columnB, columnC) FROM %L DELIMITER '','' CSV HEADER;', file_record.file_path); elseif file_record.has_header then -- dont load columnC EXECUTE FORMAT('COPY mytemp (columnA, columnB) FROM %L DELIMITER '','' CSV HEADER;', file_record.file_path); else -- dont load columnC and the file has no header EXECUTE FORMAT('COPY mytemp (columnA, columnB) FROM %L DELIMITER '','' CSV;', file_record.file_path); end if;
How can I avoid repeating repeating myself in this code?
Try creating variable cols
with default values columnA,columnB
and then contatenate it with columnC
in case you need it, e.g.
cols := 'columnA, columnB'; IF file_record.has_recieved_time_column THEN cols = cols || ',columnC'; ELSEIF file_record.has_header THEN cols = cols || ',columnX'; ELSE .... END IF; EXECUTE FORMAT('COPY mytemp (%L) FROM %L DELIMITER '',''CSV HEADER;', cols, file_record.file_path);