Well, the query I need is simple, and maybe is in another question, but there is a performance thing in what I need, so:
I have a table of users with 10.000 rows, the table contains id, email and more data.
In another table called orders I have way more rows, maybe 150.000 rows.
In this orders I have the id of the user that made the order, and also a status of the order. The status could be a number from 0 to 9 (or null).
My final requirement is to have every user with the id, email, some other column , and the number of orders with status 3 or 7. it does not care of its 3 or 7, I just need the amount
But I need to do this query in a low-impact way (or a performant way).
What is the best approach?
I need to run this in a redash with postgres 10.
This sounds like a join
and group by
select u.*, count(*)
from users u join
orders o
on o.user_id = u.user_id
where o.status in (3, 7)
group by u.user_id;
Postgres is usually pretty good about optimizing these queries — and the above assumes that users(user_id)
is the primary key — so this should work pretty well.