I am looking to identify the average life time in days for open bugs based on severity.
bug | severity | status | date_assigned |
1 | A | open | 2021-9-14 |
1 | A | in progress | 2021-9-15 |
1 | A | fixed | 2021-9-16 |
1 | A | verified | 2021-9-17 |
1 | A | closed | 2021-9-18 |
2 | B | opened | 2021-10-18 |
2 | B | in progress | 2021-10-19 |
2 | B | closed with fix | 2021-10-20 |
3 | C | open | 2021-11-20 |
3 | C | review | 2021-11-21 |
3 | C | close | 2021-11-22 |
4 | A | open | 2021-12-24 |
4 | A | closed | 2021-12-26 |
I would like to track no of days it takes for each of the severity (A, B, C, D) since their first status like (open/opened) till their status changes to closed (close/ closed/ closed with fix)
This is what I tried so far,
select severity, count(distinct date_assigned) as no_of_days
from Table 1 as a
join Table 1 as b
where status = 'open' | 'opened' and status = 'close' | 'closed' | 'closed with fix'
But this isn’t giving me the expected output
Assuming that there is one “open” and “close” per bug, then you can use two levels of aggregation:
select severity,
avg( close_date - open_date ) as avg_days
from (select bug, severity, min(date_assigned) as open_date,
max(date_assigned) as close_date
from table1
where status like '%open%' or
status like '%closed%'
group by bug, severity
) t1
group by severity
order by severity;
Note that date functions vary considerably among databases. The exact syntax for the data difference may differ from above.
In Databricks, I think you want:
select severity,
avg( datediff(close_date, open_date) ) as avg_days