I’d like to rework a script I’ve been given.
The way it currently works is via a WITH CTE using a large number of UNIONs.
Current setup
We’re taking one record from a source table, inserting it into a destination table once with [Name] A then inserting it again with [Name] B. Essentially creating multiple rows in the destination, albeit with different [Name].
An example of one transaction would be to take this row from [Source]:
ID [123] Name [Red and Green]
The results of my current set up in the [Destination] is:
ID [123] Name [Red] ID [123] Name [Green]
Current logic
Here’s a simplified version of the current logic:
WITH CTE AS (SELECT ID, 'Red' AS [Name] FROM [Source_Table] WHERE [Name] = 'Red and Green' UNION ALL SELECT ID, 'Green' AS [Name] FROM [Source_Table] WHERE [Name] = 'Red and Green') INSERT INTO [Destination_Table] (ID, [Name]) SELECT ID, [Name] FROM CTE;
The reason I’d like to rework this is when we get a new [Name], we have to manually add another portion of code into our (ever increasing) UNION, to make sure it gets picked up.
What I’ve considered
What I was considering was setting up a WHILE LOOP (or CURSOR) running off a control table, where we could store all of the [Names]. However, I’m not sure if this would be the best approach and I’m not too familiar yet with LOOPS/CURSORS. Also, Wouldn’t be too sure of how to stop the loop once all [Name]s had been completed.
Any help much appreciated.
Introduce a new table called Color_List which just contains one row for each possible color. Then do this:
with cte as ( select st.ID, c.colorname from Source_Table s inner join Color_List c on CHARINDEX(c.colorname, s.[Name]) > 0 ) insert into Destination_Table ( ID, [Name] ) select ID, colorname from cte
The benefit of this method is that you aren’t hard-coding any color names in the query. All the color names (and presumably there can be many more than two) get maintained in the Color_List table.