I am trying to alter a sequence with the result of two subqueries. I am new with Oracle and stuck with a syntax. If you can, please help me with this :
alter sequence COM_UPDN_BASE_FRMT_DTL_SEQ increment by ( (select max(id) from COM_UPDN_BASE_FRMT_DTL) - (select last_number from all_sequences where sequence_name = 'COM_UPDN_BASE_FRMT_DTL_SEQ') ) ;
Upon Executing this, I am getting an “invalid number” error. What am I missing here?
You’ll definitely want PL/SQL and dynamic SQL, but don’t use LAST_NUMBER.
Try something like this instead:
DECLARE l_max NUMBER; l_curr_seq_val NUMBER; l_new_seq_val NUMBER; l_curr_inc_bv number; BEGIN --Get max value from table SELECT max(id) INTO l_max FROM COM_UPDN_BASE_FRMT_DTL; --get current value from seq and current increment_by from dba_sequences SELECT com_updn_base_frmt_dtl_seq.nextval,increment_by INTO l_curr_seq_val,l_curr_inc_bv FROM dba_sequences WHERE sequence_name = 'COM_UPDN_BASE_FRMT_DTL_SEQ' and sequence_owner=USER; --If there is a difference, do the fix if (l_curr_inc_bv != l_max-l_curr_seq_val) then EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER SEQUENCE com_updn_base_frmt_dtl_seq INCREMENT BY ' || (l_max - l_curr_seq_val); SELECT com_updn_base_frmt_dtl_seq.nextval INTO l_new_seq_val from dual; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER SEQUENCE com_updn_base_frmt_dtl_seq INCREMENT BY ' || (l_curr_inc_bv); end if; END; /