I have something like Posts in FB/instagram. When a user searches for something, the input query is used to either find Posts that either have this query in their content, OR – one or more of post’s hashtags match this query.
CREATE TABLE posts ( id int UNIQUE NOT NULL generated always as identity, content text, content_tokens tsvector, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE tags ( id int UNIQUE NOT NULL generated always as identity, tag_title text, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); CREATE TABLE post_tags( post_id int, tag_id int, PRIMARY KEY (post_id, tag_id), FOREIGN KEY (post_id) references posts (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, FOREIGN KEY (tag_id) references tags (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); -- query to find all "relevant" posts : SELECT posts.id, posts.title, posts.description, tags.id as tag_id, tags.title as tag_title FROM posts JOIN post_tags ON posts.id = post_tags.post_id JOIN tags ON tags.id = post_tags.tag_id WHERE tags.title ilike 'user_query' OR posts.content_tokens @@ plainto_tsquery('user_query:*');
The problem :
I can’t figure out how to have Posts returned with a nested array of all its pertinent Tags.
So for example Post -> {post_id: 123 , tags : [{id: 1, title: a}, {id: 2, title : b}, ...]}
Also, it results in duplicate records since I can’t GROUP BY only by one column (post_id).
posts tables has:
id content ------------------------ 1 this is a test 2 this is a test 2 3 this is user_query
tags tables has:
id title --------------- 1 user_query 2 something 3 hey
post_tags has:
post_id tag_id ------------------ 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 3
So in this example, post_id = 1 has the “user_query” inside one of its tags, and post_id = 3 has the “user_query” inside its content. So, both of them should be returned.
[ {"post_id" : 1, "tags" : [{"id" : 1, "title": "user_query"}, {"id" : 2, "title" : "something"}]}, {"post_id" : 3, "tags" : [{"id" : 3, "title": "hey"}]} ]
Do you want JSON aggrgation?
SELECT p.id, p.title, p.description, JSONB_AGG(JSONB_BUILD_OBJECT('id', t.id, 'title', t.title)) as tags FROM posts p INNER JOIN post_tags pt ON p.id = pt.post_id INNER JOIN tags t ON t.id = pt.tag_id GROUP BY p.id