The Table
Id | Salary |
1 | 100 |
2 | 200 |
3 | 300 |
I want to find out all the salaries lesser the highest salary. For doing so, i have come up with the following query-
SELECT salary FROM Employee HAVING salary<max(salary);
Which yields the output-
{"headers": ["salary"], "values": [[100]]}
But my expected output here is
{"headers": ["salary"], "values": [[100], [200]]}
If i used the constant value 300 instead of max(salary) i can obtain my expected value.
I’m unable to understand why using the aggregate function MAX in HAVING is resulting in the wrong output here. Also, i do not want to accomplish this using WHERE because i’m trying to use this query as a sub-query for a larger question i’m trying to answer.
If you are using MySQL then you can use window function.
select salary from
( select salary,rank()over(order by salary desc) rnk from employee) t
where rnk>1
Or you can use subquery:
Select salary
FROM Employee
WHERE salary < (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM Employee)