I’m working on this query and after i added the bloc of cursor the execution time goes from 10s to 2m.
Is there any way to reduce the execution time? The query is a result of 3 selects on the same table but with different conditions.
I needed the cursor because I should get the price of an article from a table that contains prices per dates that I couldn’t get from in first queries.
declare @MonthGiftRecap TABLE ( UIDGIFT uniqueidentifier, Annee int, Mois int, TypeFamille nvarchar(500), Famille nvarchar(500), CodeCadeau nvarchar(500), Cadeau nvarchar(500), Inscrit Date, CodeAmbassadeur nvarchar(10), NomAmbassadeur nvarchar(500), TelephoneAmbassadeur nvarchar(500), Region nvarchar(500), NomAsm nvarchar(500), NumDocument nvarchar(500), DateConsommation date, NumAvoir nvarchar(500), Starter bit, MoisStarter int, UIDRegion uniqueidentifier, UIDPromotionTier uniqueidentifier, UIDTypeCadeauxFamille uniqueidentifier, UIDCadeaux uniqueidentifier, UIDDoc uniqueidentifier, UIDAnnee uniqueidentifier, UIDMois uniqueidentifier, UIDTier uniqueidentifier, UIDAsm uniqueidentifier, TypeAttribution nvarchar(50), DateReactivation date, DateAttribution Date, CArticle uniqueidentifier, PrixUnitaire money ) insert into @MonthGiftRecap SELECT NEWID(),dbo.Annee.Numero AS Annee, dbo.Mois.Numero AS Mois, dbo.TypeCadeauxFamille.TypeFamille, dbo.TypeCadeauxFamille.Libelle AS Famille,dbo.TypeCadeaux.Code CodeCadeau, dbo.TypeCadeaux.Libelle AS Cadeau, convert(date,dbo.Tier.DateSaisie) AS Inscrit, dbo.Tier.Code, dbo.Tier.Nom, dbo.Tier.Telephone, dbo.Region.Libelle AS Region, dbo.ASM.Nom AS NomASM, dbo.[Document].NumDocument, dbo.[Document].DateDocument AS DateConsommation, Avoir.NumDocument AS NumAvoir, dbo.TypeCadeaux.Starter, dbo.TypeCadeaux.MoisStarter, dbo.Tier.Region AS UIDRegion, dbo.PromotionTier.UID AS UIDPromotionTier, dbo.TypeCadeauxFamille.UID AS UIDTypeCadeauxFamille, dbo.TypeCadeaux.UID AS UIDCadeaux, dbo.[Document].UID AS UIDDoc, dbo.PromotionTier.Annee AS UIDAnnee, dbo.PromotionTier.Mois AS UIDMois,dbo.Tier.UID AS UIDTier, dbo.ASM.UID AS UIDAsm, case when (DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, convert(date,dbo.Tier.DateSaisie)), 0) Between Dateadd (Month, -4 , DATEFROMPARTS (dbo.Annee.Numero, dbo.Mois.Numero, 1)) AND DATEFROMPARTS (dbo.Annee.Numero, dbo.Mois.Numero, 1)) Then 'STARTER' when (select TypeBlocage from TierArchiveBlocage where Code = dbo.Tier.Code AND DateBlocage = (Select max(DateBlocage) from TierArchiveBlocage where Code=dbo.Tier.Code AND DateBlocage < DATEFROMPARTS (dbo.Annee.Numero, dbo.Mois.Numero, 1) AND Month(DateBlocage) between dbo.Mois.Numero-3 AND dbo.Mois.Numero-1 ) ) = 'ACV' Then 'REACTIVATION' else 'INACTIFS' end TypeAttribution,(select DateBlocage from dbo.FNDateReactivation(dbo.Tier.Code,DATEFROMPARTS (dbo.Annee.Numero, dbo.Mois.Numero, 1))) DateDerniereReactivation, dbo.PromotionTier.DateSaisie AS DateAttribution,dbo.Article.UID,null FROM dbo.ArticlePromotion RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.TypeCadeaux INNER JOIN dbo.TypeCadeauxFamille ON dbo.TypeCadeaux.TypeCadeauxCategorie = dbo.TypeCadeauxFamille.UID INNER JOIN dbo.PromotionTier ON dbo.TypeCadeaux.UID = dbo.PromotionTier.TypeCadeaux INNER JOIN dbo.Tier ON dbo.PromotionTier.Tier = dbo.Tier.UID INNER JOIN dbo.Annee ON dbo.PromotionTier.Annee = dbo.Annee.UID INNER JOIN dbo.Mois ON dbo.PromotionTier.Mois = dbo.Mois.UID ON dbo.ArticlePromotion.Annee = dbo.Annee.UID AND dbo.ArticlePromotion.Mois = dbo.Mois.UID AND dbo.ArticlePromotion.TypeCadeaux = dbo.TypeCadeaux.UID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Article ON dbo.ArticlePromotion.Article = dbo.Article.UID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Region ON dbo.Tier.Region = dbo.Region.UID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.[Document] ON dbo.PromotionTier.Facture = dbo.[Document].UID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.[Document] AS Avoir ON dbo.[Document].UIDDocumentAvoir = Avoir.UID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ASM ON dbo.Tier.ASM = dbo.ASM.UID WHERE (dbo.TypeCadeauxFamille.TypeFamille = N'BNV') AND (dbo.Annee.Numero = 2020) AND (dbo.Mois.Numero = 6) insert into @MonthGiftRecap SELECT NEWID(),dbo.Annee.Numero AS Annee, dbo.Mois.Numero AS Mois, dbo.TypeCadeauxFamille.TypeFamille, dbo.TypeCadeauxFamille.Libelle AS Famille,dbo.TypeCadeaux.Code CodeCadeau, dbo.TypeCadeaux.Libelle AS Cadeau, convert(date,dbo.Tier.DateSaisie) AS Inscrit, dbo.Tier.Code, dbo.Tier.Nom, dbo.Tier.Telephone, dbo.Region.Libelle AS Region, dbo.ASM.Nom AS NomASM, dbo.[Document].NumDocument, dbo.[Document].DateDocument AS DateConsommation, Avoir.NumDocument AS NumAvoir, dbo.TypeCadeaux.Starter, dbo.TypeCadeaux.MoisStarter, dbo.Tier.Region AS UIDRegion, dbo.PromotionTier.UID AS UIDPromotionTier, dbo.TypeCadeauxFamille.UID AS UIDTypeCadeauxFamille, dbo.TypeCadeaux.UID AS UIDCadeaux, dbo.[Document].UID AS UIDDoc, dbo.PromotionTier.Annee AS UIDAnnee, dbo.PromotionTier.Mois AS UIDMois,dbo.Tier.UID AS UIDTier, dbo.ASM.UID AS UIDAsm, CASE WHEN ISNUMERIC(dbo.PromotionTier.GradeAtteinte) = 1 THEN CONVERT(INT, dbo.PromotionTier.GradeAtteinte) ELSE dbo.PromotionTier.GradeAtteinte END TypeAttribution, (select DateBlocage from dbo.FNDateReactivation(dbo.Tier.Code,DATEFROMPARTS (dbo.Annee.Numero, dbo.Mois.Numero, 1))) DateDerniereReactivation, dbo.PromotionTier.DateSaisie AS DateAttribution,dbo.Article.UID,null FROM dbo.ArticlePromotion RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.TypeCadeaux INNER JOIN dbo.TypeCadeauxFamille ON dbo.TypeCadeaux.TypeCadeauxCategorie = dbo.TypeCadeauxFamille.UID INNER JOIN dbo.PromotionTier ON dbo.TypeCadeaux.UID = dbo.PromotionTier.TypeCadeaux INNER JOIN dbo.Tier ON dbo.PromotionTier.Tier = dbo.Tier.UID INNER JOIN dbo.Annee ON dbo.PromotionTier.Annee = dbo.Annee.UID INNER JOIN dbo.Mois ON dbo.PromotionTier.Mois = dbo.Mois.UID ON dbo.ArticlePromotion.Annee = dbo.Annee.UID AND dbo.ArticlePromotion.Mois = dbo.Mois.UID AND dbo.ArticlePromotion.TypeCadeaux = dbo.TypeCadeaux.UID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Article ON dbo.ArticlePromotion.Article = dbo.Article.UID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Region ON dbo.Tier.Region = dbo.Region.UID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.[Document] ON dbo.PromotionTier.Facture = dbo.[Document].UID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.[Document] AS Avoir ON dbo.[Document].UIDDocumentAvoir = Avoir.UID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ASM ON dbo.Tier.ASM = dbo.ASM.UID WHERE (dbo.TypeCadeauxFamille.TypeFamille = N'PSG') AND (dbo.Annee.Numero = 2020) AND (dbo.Mois.Numero = 6) insert into @MonthGiftRecap SELECT NEWID(),dbo.Annee.Numero AS Annee, dbo.Mois.Numero AS Mois, dbo.TypeCadeauxFamille.TypeFamille, dbo.TypeCadeauxFamille.Libelle AS Famille,dbo.TypeCadeaux.Code CodeCadeau, dbo.TypeCadeaux.Libelle AS Cadeau, convert(date,dbo.Tier.DateSaisie) AS Inscrit, dbo.Tier.Code, dbo.Tier.Nom, dbo.Tier.Telephone, dbo.Region.Libelle AS Region, dbo.ASM.Nom AS NomASM, dbo.[Document].NumDocument, dbo.[Document].DateDocument AS DateConsommation, Avoir.NumDocument AS NumAvoir, dbo.TypeCadeaux.Starter, dbo.TypeCadeaux.MoisStarter, dbo.Tier.Region AS UIDRegion, dbo.PromotionTier.UID AS UIDPromotionTier, dbo.TypeCadeauxFamille.UID AS UIDTypeCadeauxFamille, dbo.TypeCadeaux.UID AS UIDCadeaux, dbo.[Document].UID AS UIDDoc, dbo.PromotionTier.Annee AS UIDAnnee, dbo.PromotionTier.Mois AS UIDMois, dbo.Tier.UID AS UIDTier, dbo.ASM.UID AS UIDAsm,dbo.PromotionTier.GradeAtteinte TypeAttribution, (select DateBlocage from dbo.FNDateReactivation(dbo.Tier.Code,DATEFROMPARTS (dbo.Annee.Numero, dbo.Mois.Numero, 1))) DateDerniereReactivation, dbo.PromotionTier.DateSaisie AS DateAttribution,dbo.Article.UID,null FROM dbo.ArticlePromotion RIGHT OUTER JOIN dbo.TypeCadeaux INNER JOIN dbo.TypeCadeauxFamille ON dbo.TypeCadeaux.TypeCadeauxCategorie = dbo.TypeCadeauxFamille.UID INNER JOIN dbo.PromotionTier ON dbo.TypeCadeaux.UID = dbo.PromotionTier.TypeCadeaux INNER JOIN dbo.Tier ON dbo.PromotionTier.Tier = dbo.Tier.UID INNER JOIN dbo.Annee ON dbo.PromotionTier.Annee = dbo.Annee.UID INNER JOIN dbo.Mois ON dbo.PromotionTier.Mois = dbo.Mois.UID ON dbo.ArticlePromotion.Annee = dbo.Annee.UID AND dbo.ArticlePromotion.Mois = dbo.Mois.UID AND dbo.ArticlePromotion.TypeCadeaux = dbo.TypeCadeaux.UID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Article ON dbo.ArticlePromotion.Article = dbo.Article.UID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Region ON dbo.Tier.Region = dbo.Region.UID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.[Document] ON dbo.PromotionTier.Facture = dbo.[Document].UID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.[Document] AS Avoir ON dbo.[Document].UIDDocumentAvoir = Avoir.UID LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ASM ON dbo.Tier.ASM = dbo.ASM.UID WHERE (dbo.TypeCadeauxFamille.TypeFamille = N'STB') AND (dbo.Annee.Numero = 2020) AND (dbo.Mois.Numero = 6) Declare @DateConso date Declare @DateCalc date Declare @UIDArt uniqueidentifier DECLARE @PractitionerId uniqueidentifier DECLARE MY_CURSOR CURSOR LOCAL STATIC READ_ONLY FORWARD_ONLY FOR select UIDGIFT from @MonthGiftRecap Order By TypeFamille OPEN MY_CURSOR FETCH NEXT FROM MY_CURSOR INTO @PractitionerId WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN Set @UIDArt = (Select CArticle from @MonthGiftRecap where UIDGIFT = @PractitionerId) Set @DateConso =(Select DateConsommation from @MonthGiftRecap where UIDGIFT = @PractitionerId) Update @MonthGiftRecap set PrixUnitaire = (Select CoutAchat from CoutArticle where Article = @UIDArt AND DateCalcul = (Select Max(DateCalcul) from CoutArticle where DateCalcul < @DateConso AND Article = @UIDArt)) where UIDGIFT = @PractitionerId FETCH NEXT FROM MY_CURSOR INTO @PractitionerId END CLOSE MY_CURSOR DEALLOCATE MY_CURSOR Select * from @MonthGiftRecap
I think this would get you the PrixUnitaire
without needing to go through the cursor. Try adding it to the three queries that feed the temp table:
( select top 1 CoutAchat from CoutArticle where Article = CArticle AND DateCalcul < DateConsommation order by DateCalcul desc ) as PrixUnitaire