I’m trying to update a website where there’s new ID’s for different damage groups. All the new ID’s start after ID 139. In SQL the statement to get the new groups are simply:
FROM DamageCode
WHERE ID >= 139
However, I want to implement the same statement in my ASP code and in the method that fetches the current damage groups. Here’s the current method for it:
public List<DamageCode> GetDamageCodes(int codeId)
var list = new List<DamageCode>();
var cmd = new SqlCommand("spDamage_GetDamageCodeComponents", Connection);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CodeId", codeId);
var dt = new DataTable();
if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
foreach(DataRow i in dt.Rows)
var model = new DamageCode();
model.DamageCodeId = Convert.ToInt32(i["ID"]);
model.DamageCodeName = i["Swedish"].ToString(); // DamageCode WHERE ID >= 139
catch (SqlException ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
return list;
Basically: I want to update this method and add some a statement similar to the SQL statement, so that i["ID"]
only will fetch ID’s after number 139.
Any ideas on how to do this directly in this method?
I’ve tried adding a new sql similar to:
string query = 'SELECT * FROM DamageCode WHERE ID >= 139';
But, I am unsure where to use the query later in the method.
The solution was to change to stored procedure
in the database and alter the procedure to only show ID where ID >= 139
, this is much simpler than to change the whole method