I’m trying to perform an update in DB2, which I started out trying with an inner join, but DB2 won’t allow that. I altered it to use a ‘where exists’ clause but now it’s telling me that main_discount
in my set
clause is not found (I’m assuming because it isn’t referenced until the later where exists
How can I make this work as expected if I don’t yet have the column value I need?
update main_library.details set less_amount = ROUND(cast (price as float) * (main_discount/100),2) where exists( select price, wholesale_num, main_discount, startDate, endDate from main_library.details D inner join 2nd_library.discounts DISC on D.wholesale_num = DISC.wholesale_num where wholesale_num = 123 ) limit 200;
DB2 for i does not allow the UPDATE table FROM that DB2LUW allows
You have two solutions
One is UPDATE using one subquery to select the rows to update, and another to get the value of main_discount
update main_library.details as main set less_amount = ROUND(cast (price as float) * ( (select main_discount from 2nd_library.discounts DISC where wholesale_num = main.wholesale_num) /100),2) where exists( select 0 from 2nd_library.discounts DISC where wholesale_num = main.wholesale_num )
the other is MERGE
MERGE INTO main_library.details main using( select wholesale_num, main_discount from 2nd_library.discounts DISC ) disc on disc.wholesale_num = main.wholesale_num when matched then update set less_amount = ROUND(cast (price as float) * (main_discount)/100),2)
Maybe you should use DECFLOAT rather than FLOAT to avoid suprises