I’m trying to return a single row based on this where statement
WHERE (C.id = G.community_id AND P.service_type_id = G.service_type_id AND I.unit_class_id = G.unit_class_id) OR (C.id = G.community_id AND P.service_type_id = G.service_type_id)
The issue is I have to get a row based on multiple criteria and the more that match determines the final match. The statement above returns a row just fine if it matches the bottom or statement, but if it matches the first OR it returns results for both statements.
LIMIT 1 doesn’t work either as sometimes it gives preference to the wrong result.
community_id | service_type_id | unit_class_id |
1 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 1 | null |
Because of the way the table is both rows are true, my understanding was SQL took the first one that was true and returned it.
I apologize for not a lot of info I was hoping maybe there was just a bit of info I was missing. Here is my query.
CREATE VIEW view_invoice_line_item_gl_code AS SELECT DISTINCT(ILI.invoice_line_item_id) AS invoice_line_item_id, C.community_id AS community_id, S.service_type_id AS service_type_id, U.unit_class_id AS unit_class_id, LIP.line_item_provider_id AS line_item_provider_id, (SELECT gl_code_id FROM gl_code G WHERE (C.community_id = G.community_id AND P.service_type_id = G.service_type_id) AND ((G.unit_class_id IS NULL AND G.line_item_provider_id IS NULL) OR (I.unit_class_id = G.unit_class_id AND G.line_item_provider_id IS NULL) OR (I.unit_class_id = G.unit_class_id AND ILI.line_item_provider_id = G.line_item_provider_id) )) AS gl_code_id FROM invoice I JOIN invoice_line_item ILI ON (ILI.invoice_id = I.invoice_id) JOIN invoice_header IH ON (I.invoice_header_id = IH.invoice_header_id) JOIN provider_community_account PC ON (I.provider_community_account_id = PC.provider_community_account_id) JOIN line_item_provider LIP ON (ILI.line_item_provider_id = LIP.line_item_provider_id) JOIN unit_class U ON (I.unit_class_id = U.unit_class_id) JOIN community C ON (PC.community_id = C.community_id) JOIN provider P ON (PC.provider_id = P.provider_id) JOIN service_type S ON (P.service_type_id = S.service_type_id)
I’m assuming that you want to get the record that matches the most conditions first. One way to do that is to order by the number of matching conditions (in this case only one condition is different):
SELECT TOP 1 ... FROM ... WHERE C.id = G.community_id AND P.service_type_id = G.service_type_id ORDER BY CASE WHEN I.unit_class_id = G.unit_class_id THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC