- I have a table with a column that contains a JSON string.
- I need to query that table to find rows that match a given input JSON string.
- I would like to ignore order and formatting.
- ‘{ “foo”: “bar” }’ should equal ‘{“foo”:”bar”}’
- ‘{ “foo”: “bar”, “a”: “b” }’ should equal ‘{ “a”: “b”, “foo”: “bar” }’
- I want to avoid explicitly testing individual values as the level of nesting or number of properties may change over time.
I’m not familiar with Oracle but I have seen reference to its JSON_EQUAL condition which seems to do exactly what I need. I haven’t been able to find anything similar in T-SQL. I’ve tried using JSON_QUERY to compare the entire objects but it seems to basically just do a string comparison so variations in order and whitespace are treated as differences.
e.g. the sample below will return the [AreEqual] value as 0
DECLARE @SourceJSON NVARCHAR(MAX) = '{ "timestamp":"2020-11-13T15:21:03.8407089Z", "name": "foo", "some_object":{ "prop1": 3, "prop2": "string"}}' DECLARE @TargetJSON NVARCHAR(MAX) = '{"timestamp":"2020-11-13T15:21:03.8407089Z", "name": "foo", "some_object":{ "prop1": 3, "prop2": "string"}}' SELECT x.[source] ,x.[target] ,CASE WHEN x.[source] = x.[target] THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS [AreEqual] FROM( SELECT JSON_QUERY(@SourceJSON) AS [source] ,JSON_QUERY(@TargetJSON) AS [target] ) AS x
Is there a way to achieve this through T-SQL?
There is no direct equivalent to JSON_EQUAL
so I think you will have to roll your own. There is a useful example here and I started to work up an example. OPENJSON
allows you to convert JSON to a table format without specifying individual field names.
I would say this is just an example that has been lightly tested on just a couple of samples, more as a proof-of-concept. It is not a production ready piece of code and needs to be thoroughly tested. That said, it might provide you a way of comparing JSON:
-- Create an inline table-valued function that shreds JSON CREATE OR ALTER FUNCTION dbo.tvf_shredJSON ( @inputJSON NVARCHAR(MAX) ) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( WITH cte AS ( SELECT CAST( 1 AS TINYINT ) xlevel, ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY ( SELECT NULL ) ) rn, *, CAST( NULL AS INT ) AS parentRowId FROM OPENJSON( @inputJSON, '$' ) UNION ALL SELECT CAST( xlevel + 1 AS TINYINT ), ROW_NUMBER() OVER( ORDER BY ( SELECT NULL ) ) rn, CAST( j.[key] AS NVARCHAR(4000) ), CAST( j.[value] AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ), CAST( j.[type] AS TINYINT ), CAST( c.rn AS INT ) AS parentRowId FROM cte c CROSS APPLY OPENJSON ( c.[value] ) j WHERE c.[type] In ( 4, 5 ) AND c.xlevel = xlevel ) SELECT * FROM cte WHERE [type] Not In ( 4, 5 ) -- array (4) or object (5) ) GO -- Create a stored proc to receive the two JSONs and compare them CREATE OR ALTER PROC dbo.usp_compareJSON @sourceJSON NVARCHAR(MAX), @targetJSON NVARCHAR(MAX), @isEqual BIT OUTPUT, @debug BIT = 0 AS SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @diffFound1 BIT, @diffFound2 BIT -- Shred the two pieces of JSON to temp tables for comparison CREATE TABLE #tmp ( jsonSource VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, rowId INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, xlevel TINYINT NOT NULL, rn INT NOT NULL, [key] NVARCHAR(4000) NOT NULL, [value] NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL, [type] INT NOT NULL, parentRowId INT NULL ) -- Shred source JSON to table INSERT INTO #tmp ( jsonSource, xlevel, rn, [key], [value], [type], parentRowId ) SELECT 'source', xlevel, rn, [key], [value], [type], parentRowId FROM dbo.tvf_shredJSON ( @sourceJSON ) -- Shred target JSON to table INSERT INTO #tmp ( jsonSource, xlevel, rn, [key], [value], [type], parentRowId ) SELECT 'target', xlevel, rn, [key], [value], [type], parentRowId FROM dbo.tvf_shredJSON ( @targetJSON ) -- Comparison 1: source to target IF EXISTS ( SELECT xlevel, [key], [value], [type] FROM #tmp WHERE jsonSource = 'source' EXCEPT SELECT xlevel, [key], [value], [type] FROM #tmp WHERE jsonSource = 'target' ) BEGIN SET @diffFound1 = 1 END ELSE SET @diffFound1 = 0 -- Comparison 2: target to source IF EXISTS ( SELECT xlevel, [key], [value], [type] FROM #tmp WHERE jsonSource = 'target' EXCEPT SELECT xlevel, [key], [value], [type] FROM #tmp WHERE jsonSource = 'source' ) BEGIN SET @diffFound2 = 1 END ELSE SET @diffFound2 = 0 -- Return the result IF @diffFound1 = 0 AND @diffFound2 = 0 SET @isEqual = 1 ELSE SET @isEqual = 0 -- Show the json differences if required IF @debug = 1 BEGIN SELECT xlevel, [key], [value], [type], parentRowId FROM #tmp WHERE jsonSource = 'source' EXCEPT SELECT xlevel, [key], [value], [type], parentRowId FROM #tmp WHERE jsonSource = 'target' SELECT xlevel, [key], [value], [type], parentRowId FROM #tmp WHERE jsonSource = 'target' EXCEPT SELECT xlevel, [key], [value], [type], parentRowId FROM #tmp WHERE jsonSource = 'source' END RETURN GO -- JSON is the same except for spacing DECLARE @SourceJSON NVARCHAR(MAX) = '{ "timestamp":"2020-11-13T15:21:03.8407089Z", "name": "foo", "some_object":{ "prop1": 3, "prop2": "string"}}' DECLARE @TargetJSON NVARCHAR(MAX) = '{"timestamp":"2020-11-13T15:21:03.8407089Z", "name": "foo", "some_object":{ "prop1": 3, "prop2": "string"}}' DECLARE @isEqual BIT EXEC dbo.usp_compareJSON @SourceJSON, @TargetJSON, @isEqual OUTPUT, @debug = 1 SELECT @isEqual isEqual GO -- JSON is the same except for ordering DECLARE @SourceJSON NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @TargetJSON NVARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @isEqual BIT SET @SourceJSON = '{ "timestamp":"2020-11-13T15:21:03.8407089Z", "name": "foo", "some_object":{ "foo": "bar", "a": "b" }}' SET @TargetJSON = '{"timestamp":"2020-11-13T15:21:03.8407089Z", "name": "foo", "some_object":{ "a": "b", "foo": "bar" }}' EXEC dbo.usp_compareJSON @SourceJSON, @TargetJSON, @isEqual OUTPUT, @debug = 1 SELECT @isEqual isEqual GO DECLARE @inputJSON NVARCHAR(MAX) = '{ "id": "WakefieldFamily", "parents": [ { "familyName": "Wakefield", "givenName": "Robin" }, { "familyName": "Miller", "givenName": "Ben" } ], "children": [ { "familyName": "Merriam", "givenName": "Jesse", "gender": "female", "grade": 1, "pets": [ { "givenName": "Goofy" }, { "givenName": "Shadow" } ] }, { "familyName": "Miller", "givenName": "Lisa", "gender": "female", "grade": 8 } ], "address": { "state": "NY", "county": "Manhattan", "city": "NY" }, "creationDate": 1431620462, "isRegistered": false }' DECLARE @SourceJSON NVARCHAR(MAX) = @inputJSON DECLARE @TargetJSON NVARCHAR(MAX) = @inputJSON DECLARE @isEqual BIT EXEC dbo.usp_compareJSON @SourceJSON, @TargetJSON, @isEqual OUTPUT, @debug = 1 SELECT @isEqual isEqual -- Deliberately alter the JSON SET @SourceJSON = @inputJSON SET @TargetJSON = JSON_MODIFY( @SourceJSON, '$.children[0].pets[0].givenName', 'wBob' ) EXEC dbo.usp_compareJSON @SourceJSON, @TargetJSON, @isEqual OUTPUT, @debug = 1 SELECT @isEqual isEqual GO
I was able to do some further testing based on the original JSON_EQUAL script and got the same results. See this gist for the full script.