i have a table name average rating. i want to update my table name final rating with the result of this query
select spid,AVG(avgRat) from AvgRating group by spid
how can i do this?
Maybe something like
INSERT INTO FinalRating select spid,AVG(avgRat) from AvgRating group by spid
or if the FinalRating table contains more information you could also specify the columns
INSERT INTO FinalRating (spid, rating) select spid,AVG(avgRat) from AvgRating group by spid
you can also add a where clause to either query if you need a subset of data.
Edit: If this is not something that is one off and has to be run repeatedly the above solution would duplicate the data
in that case I recommend you merge the tables
Merge FinalRating AS TARGET using (select spid,AVG(avgRat) as averageRating from AvgRating group by spid) as SOURCE on (Target.spid = source.spid) WHEN MATCHED TEHN UPDATE SET Target.rating = Source.averageRating WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN Insert (spid, averageRating) VALUES(Source.spid, Source.averageRating)
Notice that I gave the AVG(avgRat) an alias so that I can reference it later