I’m trying to convert sql data to json data but when file is completed I get something ‘recordset’ what is this and how do i get rid of it.
app.post("/Employees",function (req, res) { const sql = require("mssql"); const config = { server: 'HOST', //update me user: 'user', //update me password: 'pass', //update me database: 'db', trustServerCertificate: true } // var to store file name var d = new Date(); var fileName = "db_"+d.getDate()+"_"+d.getMonth()+"_"+d.getTime(); sql.connect(config, function(err, data) { if(err) console.log(err); let sqlRequest = new sql.Request(); let sqlQuery = "select * from dbo.cust where name like 'aa%' AND surname like 'a%' AND branch='bsmtr';"; sqlRequest.query(sqlQuery, function (err, data) { if(err) console.log(err) console.log(data); fs.writeFile(`json_files/${fileName}.json`, JSON.stringify(data, replacer, space), err => err && console.log(err)); sql.close(); }); }); res.send("The JSON file is downloaded please find it in the Json directory by the name "+fileName+".JSON"); });
—–This is how I am getting the json .—
{ "recordsets": [ [ { "rowno": 294680503, "rowno_custcrm_crm": 0, "has_custansp_ansp": 0, "rowno_custemt_emt": 0, "rowno_custmtm_mtm": 0, "rowno_custm2mc_m2mcu": 0, "has_custext_ext": 0, "rowno_custcloa_cloa": 0, "has_custalrt_alrt": 0, "rowno_custemcc_emcc": 0, "rowno_custiop_iop": 0, "has_custcds_cds": 0, "has_custltv_ltv": 0, "rowno_custoir_oir": 0, "rowno_custorcc_orcc": 0, "rowno_custcmps_cmps": 0 } ] ], "output": {}, "rowsAffected": 1 }
Please tell me how i get rid of recordset, square brackets and output and rowsafftectd
Well, you just need to stringify the data you actually want to put into a file. e.g. if you want the content of the recordset
you need to call JSON.stringify(data.recordset, replacer, space)
. If you want to put that one element that you have in the recordset
you need to use JSON.stringify(data.recordsets[0][0], replacer, space)