I am using a pivot table to return records that have been updated in the past 7 days. If account has been updated, only return contype ‘AAA’ and ‘BBB’ for the ID. Each ID can have up to 8 ‘types’. I want to only return records with cont_desc= 01 BUT contypes that are not AAA or BBB, cont_desc does not have to be 01. With that said, I want all cont_desc in pivot table to be 01. It’s a bit difficult to explain so I will give an example:
Table can look something like this:
ID contype date contdesc 1 AAA 2020-01-30 01 1 AAA 2019-05-05 0002 1 BBB 2020-01-02 01 1 CCC 2020-02-23 38372 2 AAA 2020-01-22 93021 2 AAA 2020-01-30 01 2 BBB 2019-03-09 01 2 DDD 2020-02-20 92821
Notice, ID 1 will get pulled because CCC has last update within last 7 days so it will return the AAA and BBB records of the ID. Also notice, ID 2 will get pulled because contype DDD has been updated within the last 7 days BUT it will pull AAA, id_cont_desc = 93021. I want records to have 01 at all times. I can’t include this in my where clause because records that aren’t AAA or BBB does not have to be 01.
SELECT * FROM( SELECT id_nbr AS ID, contact_type AS contype, contact_id_desc AS contdesc FROM table WHERE ((contact_type = 'AAA' OR contact_type = 'BBB' AND cont_id_desc = '01') OR contact_type NOT = 'AAA' OR contact_type NOT = 'BBB' AND (last_update >= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '7' DAY) QUALIFY ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id_nbr, contact_type ORDER BY last_update) = 1) as internal_select PIVOT (MAX(contype) contype,MAX(contdesc) contdesc FOR contype IN ('AAA','BBB')) derived_Pilot;
It may return something like:
ID 'AAA'_contype 'AAA'_contdesc 'BBB'_contype 'BBB'_contdesc 1 AAA 01 BBB 01 2 AAA 93021 BBB 01
Record 1 looks great. All contdesc’s are equal to 01. Notice record 2, ‘AAA’_contdesc = 93021. This is because a record that is NOT equal to AAA or BBB (but has been updated in the past 7 days) but returned contype AAA with contdesc not equal to 01. I apologize in advance, this is a bit confusing but I tried my best.
Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks in advance!
Is this what you want?
select t.* from (select t.*, max(date) over (partition by id) as max_date from t ) t where max_date >= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '7' DAY) and contract_type in ('AAA', 'BBB') and contdesc = '01';
Then your desired results would appear to be:
select id, max(case when contract_type = 'AAA' then contract_type end) as AAA_contract_type, max(case when contract_type = 'AAA' then contdesc end) as AAA_contdesc, max(case when contract_type = 'BBB' then contract_type end) as BBB_contract_type, max(case when contract_type = 'BBB' then contdesc end) as BBB_contdesc from (select t.*, max(date) over (partition by id) as max_date from t ) t where max_date >= CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '7' DAY) and contract_type in ('AAA', 'BBB') and contdesc = '01' group by id;