SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Sp_Rsv_DailyContractReport] @ContractDate datetime =null, @RegisterUsersId varchar(32) = null AS Select IsNull (SUM( c.Price) ,0) As 'TotalPrice', IsNull(COUNT(c.[Id]) ,0) As 'ContractCount' from Rsv_Contract as c where c.ContractDate >= @ContractDate and --'09/15/2019' ten day before till know c.RegisterUsersId = @RegisterUsersId and c.contractstate in (1,2) and c.ContractNumber!='0000000' and c.ContractNumber!='-1' Group by CAST(c.ContractDate AS DATE)
This is my code that works fine but returns data only for the days the contract exists I want to get value for each day and return zero if it doesn’t any record for that day
At First Create a table which will hold all the 10 Days From your Contract Date,then Left join the result set of your Query with this Table as follows,
Declare @start Date, @end Date Select @start=DATEADD(DAY,-10,@ContractDate), @end=@ContractDate ;With ContractDates( ContractDate ) as ( Select @start as ContractDate union all Select Cast(DATEADD(DAY,1,ContractDate) as DATE) from ContractDates where ContractDate < @end ) Select ISNull(ct.TotalPrice,0) As 'TotalPrice' ,IsNull(ct.ContractCount,0) AS 'ContractCount' from ContractDates cd left join ( Select IsNull (SUM( c.Price) ,0) As 'TotalPrice', IsNull(COUNT(c.[Id]) ,0) As 'ContractCount' CAST(c.ContractDate AS DATE) from Rsv_Contract as c where c.ContractDate between DATEADD(DAY,-10,@ContractDate) and @ContractDate and c.RegisterUsersId = @RegisterUsersId and c.Contractstate in (1,2) and c.ContractNumber!='0000000' and c.ContractNumber!='-1' Group by CAST(c.ContractDate AS DATE) )ct on cd.ContractDate=ct.ContractDate