I have a table that has ContactNumber (Bigint), MemberNumber(bigInt) and ContactDate(date).
The table has millions of records (sample data image attached). I want to get all the records where member has not been contacted for last 18 months. How do I do that using tsql?
Your help is highly appreciated.
You must have a Member table containing all your members, right? Assuming you do, just select all the members that don’t have contact in the last 18 months.
SELECT * FROM Member m LEFT JOIN Contacts c on m.MemberNumber = c.MemberNumber AND c.ContactDate > DATEADD(Month, -18, GETDATE()) WHERE c.ContactNumber IS NULL
I believe this would work too.
SELECT * FROM Member m WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE MemberNumber = m.MemberNumber AND ContactDate > DATEADD(MONTH, -18, GETDATE()) )