This is a date of first day of week (monday) in Firebird 3:
And how to get the date of the last day of the week (Sunday)?
In Firebird: Mon = 1, Tues = 2, … Sun = 0.
For ISO-8601 weeks, where Monday is the first day of the week, you can also determine Monday using:
dateadd(day, 0 - mod(extract(weekday FROM d) + 6, 7), d)
The use of mod(extract(weekdays from d) + 6, 7)
will make Monday 0, Tuesday 1, etc and Sunday 6 to make the calculations easier.
You can then determine Sunday using:
dateadd(day, 6 - mod(extract(weekday FROM d) + 6, 7), d)
You can easily derive other days of the week this way (eg use 1 - mod(extract(weekday FROM d) + 6, 7)
for Tuesday, etc.
On the other hand, if Sunday is the first day of the week (eg as in the US), you can use:
dateadd(day, 0 - extract(weekday from d), d)
and for Monday
dateadd(day, 1 - extract(weekday from d), d)