I am trying to create a xml from a SQL select, but I can not insert “:” (like cac:PartyTaxScheme), neither can put 2 data in one element, look element “cbc:CompanyID” (<cbc:CompanyID schemeName=”31″ schemeID=”0″ schemeAgencyID=”195″>900711000</cbc:CompanyID> ), how can I do it ? Next is the example I want to expect:
<cac:PartyTaxScheme> <cbc:RegistrationName>GRUPO FAM</cbc:RegistrationName> <cbc:CompanyID schemeName="31" schemeID="0" schemeAgencyID="195">900711000</cbc:CompanyID> <cbc:TaxLevelCode listName="48">O-23</cbc:TaxLevelCode> <cac:RegistrationAddress> <cbc:ID>11001</cbc:ID> <cbc:CountrySubentityCode>11</cbc:CountrySubentityCode> <cac:AddressLine> <cbc:Line>CaLL 90</cbc:Line> </cac:AddressLine> <cac:Country> <cbc:IdentificationCode>CO</cbc:IdentificationCode> </cac:Country> </cac:RegistrationAddress> </cac:PartyTaxScheme>
Thanks a lot
Using Xml Linq :
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Linq; namespace ConsoleApplication1 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string ident = "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>" + "<cac:PartyTaxScheme xmlns:cac="URL1" xmlns:cbc="URL2">" + "</cac:PartyTaxScheme>"; XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(ident); string registrationName = "GPUPO FAM"; string schemeName = "31"; string schemeID = "0"; string schemeAgencyID = "195"; string companyID = "900711000"; string listName = "48"; string taxLevelCode = "0-23"; string ID = "11001"; string countrySubentityCode = "11"; string address = "CaLL 90"; string identificationCode = "CO"; XElement partyTaxScheme = doc.Root; XNamespace nsCac = partyTaxScheme.GetNamespaceOfPrefix("cac"); XNamespace nsCbc = partyTaxScheme.GetNamespaceOfPrefix("cbc"); XElement xRegistrationName = new XElement(nsCac + "RegistrationName", registrationName); partyTaxScheme.Add(xRegistrationName); XElement xCompanyID = new XElement(nsCbc + "CompanyID", new object[] { new XAttribute("scnemeName", schemeName), new XAttribute("schemeID", schemeID), new XAttribute("schemeAgencyID", schemeAgencyID), companyID }); partyTaxScheme.Add(xCompanyID); XElement xTaxLevelCode = new XElement(nsCbc + "TaxLevelCode", new object[] { new XAttribute("listName", listName), taxLevelCode }); partyTaxScheme.Add(xTaxLevelCode); XElement xRegistrationAddress = new XElement(nsCac + "RegistrationAddress"); partyTaxScheme.Add(xRegistrationAddress); xRegistrationAddress.Add(new XElement(nsCbc + "ID", ID)); xRegistrationAddress.Add(new XElement(nsCbc + "CountrySubentityCode", countrySubentityCode)); xRegistrationAddress.Add(new XElement(nsCac + "AddressLine", new XElement(nsCbc + "Line", address))); xRegistrationAddress.Add(new XElement(nsCac + "Country", new XElement(nsCbc + "IdentificationCode", countrySubentityCode))); } } }