I was wondering if it is possible to create a new column from an existing column in hive.
Lets say I have a table People (name string, age int)
and I want to add a column is_old string
which would be defined as if(age > 70, 'old', 'not_old')
. Is there a way to do this?
The only way I can think of currently is to create a new table People_temp
from the old one, delete the old table and rename the new table like so:
create table People_new as select name, age, if(age > 70, 'old', 'not_old') as is_old from People; drop table People; alter table People_new rename People;
** Is there a way of doing this without creating a temp table?
(for instance, oracle has the idea of calculated columns.)
Yes, there is a way to do it WITHOUT CREATING TEMP TABLE. Add column then insert overwrite table select from itself :
ALTER TABLE People ADD COLUMNS (is_old string); INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE People SELECT name, age, if(age > 70, 'old', 'not_old') as is_old FROM People ;