I have a table which includes an IP address:
create table login_history ( id int auto_increment primary key, ip int unsigned, created datetime(6) not null, user_id int unsigned not null, );
and another table with an IP range:
create table ip2location ( ip_from int unsigned not null primary key, ip_to int unsigned null, country_code char(2) null, )
I am trying to join both tables with the following “on” expression.
select * from login_history left join ip2location_db1 on ip2location_db1.ip_from <= login_history.ip_int and ip2location_db1.ip_to >= login_history.ip_int
It’s working fine, but it’s very slow. How can I improve the performance of such a query? I already added indices on the IP columns of both tables.
Thank you for your help. Have a nice day!
One possibility is:
select lh.*, (case when ip.ip_from <= lh.ip_int then ip.country) from (select lh.*, (select ip.ip_from from ip2location_db1 ip where ip_to >= lh.ip_int order by ip_to limit 1 ) as ip_to from login_history lh ) lh left join ip2location_db1 ip on ip.ip_to = lh.ip_to;
This can then take advantage of indexes on ip2location_db1(ip_to)