I have multiple large csv files that I want to merge and store the final table in a database for using in Pandas in the future. I read them all using Pandas and store them as separate but similar tables into a Sqlite database.
I want to merge the rows (vertically) by a SQL string and then use them in pandas for more analyses. I was wondering if this is a good practice to go back and forth between pandas and SQL for when we deal with large files and have limited memory (16GB) ?
Also my code gives me an error and I was unsure if there is a syntax issue or something more significant that I missing here.
from sqlalchemy.sql import text engine = create_engine('sqlite:///C:\master.db', echo=False) string = text("""SELECT * INTO Flows FROM (select * from "f2007-08" UNION select * from "f2009-10")""") engine.execute(string)
That’s not the correct syntax for inserting the results of a query into another table.
It’s INSERT INTO tablename SELECT ...
string = text(""" INSERT INTO Flows select * from "f2007-08" UNION select * from "f2009-10" """)