I’m trying to find stories that are the closest distance from the user. However, only chapters in our stories have a place, so I need to get those items and then get the closest chapter from that list, then sort the stories via that distance that has been retrieved. The hardcoded numbers here are just for testing/example and would be dynamically replaced with the user’s location at query time.
I’ve created a function that gets me pretty close, but it has multiple entries for each chapter instead of just one for each story using the minimum, distance value from the chapters.
select story.id, story.name, earth_distance(ll_to_earth(place.longitude, place.latitude), ll_to_earth(153.03563, -27.38223)) as distance from story inner join chapter on chapter.story_id = story.id inner join place on chapter.place_id = place.id order by distance
I have a query that gives me the minimum chapter distance out of all the chapters:
select MIN (earth_distance(ll_to_earth(place.longitude, place.latitude), ll_to_earth(153.03563, -27.38223))) as distance from chapter left join place on chapter.place_id = place.id
This works as expected.
I played with a subselect version of this that says distance isn’t defined:
select story.id, distance from story where distance = ( select MIN (earth_distance(ll_to_earth(place.longitude, place.latitude), ll_to_earth(153.03563, -27.38223))) as distance from chapter, place where chapter.story_id = story.id and chapter.place_id = place.id );
Is there a way to combine or use these together to just get me each story sorted by their distance?
You can try this :
select story.id, story.name, min(earth_distance(ll_to_earth(place.longitude, place.latitude), ll_to_earth(153.03563, -27.38223))) as distance_min from story inner join chapter on chapter.story_id = story.id inner join place on chapter.place_id = place.id group by story.id, story.name order by distance_min limit 1