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Conversion failed when converting the “invalid” value ‘Residential’ to data type int

How do I convert data that is given from result set string. I am trying to show the drop down box gui as a text but give it a value of 1 and 2

what I want it to show as for drop down choice is right:

but I need the actual values to be 1 and 2 correspondingly

Then I need to put those values back into a database f key that only allows int…

final ObservableList options = FXCollections.observableArrayList();

public void fillComboBox() {
    Connection c;

    try {
        Connection conn = null;
        Statement stmt = null;
        String queryx = "Select CusType_ID, CusTypeName from CustomerType";

        ResultSet jrs = c.createStatement().executeQuery(queryx);

        while ( {

            String custyID = jrs.getString("CusType_ID");
            String custyN = jrs.getString("CusTypeName");

            options.add(new MyObject(custyID,custyN));
    } catch (SQLException e) {

String sql = "INSERT INTO Customer [CustomerType_ID]) VALUES" typeBox.getValue() +"')";



First create a class for storing the CusType_ID and CusTypeName in dropdown(combobox)

public class MyObject {

private String key;
private String value;

public MyObject(String key, String value) {
    this.key = key;
    this.text = value;

public String getKey(){
return key ;

public String toString() {
    return value;

then store the value from your request

     String queryx = "Select CusType_ID, CusTypeName from CustomerType";

    ResultSet rs = c.createStatement().executeQuery(queryx);

    while ( {
        int recordNumber = 1;
        int recNumber =2;

        String sx = rs.getString("CusTypeName");
        String customerID = rs.getString("CusType_ID");

        typeBox.addItem(new MyObject(customerID, sx));


Finally, get your value back from selected item and store it in your new sql

Object item = comboBox.getSelectedItem();
String value = ((MyObject)item).getKey();
String sql = "INSERT INTO Customer (CustomerType_ID) VALUES ("+ 
value +");" ; 
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