rs.Open "SELECT [Sheet1$].ID FROM [Sheet1$] WHERE [Sheet1$].ID IS NULL ", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly
Sheet1, i.e. the name of the sheet in my case is variable in my case and I want to repeat this query for 100 sheets, so how do I dynamically specify the name?
Thanks in advance.
First, you cannot call an entire worksheet in an Excel SQL ADO query but must specify ranges: SELECT [Sheet1$A1:D50].ID FROM [Sheet1$A1:D50] WHERE [Sheet1$A1:D50].ID IS NULL
And yes, since this is a string statement you can concatenate VBA variables within it.
firstsheetname = "Sheet1" strSQL = "SELECT [" & firstsheetname & "$].ID FROM [" _ & firstsheetname & "$] WHERE [" & firstsheetname & "$].ID IS NULL rs.Open strSQL, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly