I am trying to print a output as follows when I execute a query in mysql.
Name Salary Sal_in_Words Mohan 45000 Rupees Forty Five Thousand Only
The column Salary has a value 45000 and in the third column the Value in second colunm is converted to words through Query.
I found some article where in Oracle we can get the result as above using the below query:
select Salary, (' Rs. '|| (to_char(to_date(sal,'j'), 'Jsp'))|| ' only.')) Sal_in_Words from employee
Name Salary Sal_in_Words Suresh 45000 Rupees Forty Five Thousand Only
In MySQL I tried LPAD,RPAD but those just adds strings to the result not converting words to string.
I found some tutorial but all those explained about “TO_CHAR (dates)”.
Is there any way to do it?
PROCEDURE TO GENERATE NUMBER TO WORDS FORMAT........... CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `xnum2txt`(in nNum int(8)) BEGIN declare cRetVal,cTxt,cX1,cX2 varchar(500); set nNum=floor(nNum); set cRetval=''; set cTxt=''; if nnum<0 then set cRetval="-"+ xNum22Txt(nnum*-1); elseif nNum<11 then set cTxt="Zero One Two ThreeFour Five Six SevenEightNine Ten "; set cRetVal= trim(substring(cTxt,(nNum * 5) + 1,5)) ; ELSEIF nNum < 20 then set cTxt = "Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen SeventeenEighteen Nineteen "; set cRetval = trim(substring(cTxt,((nNum - 11) * 9) + 1,9)); ELSEIF nNum < 30 then set cRetval = "Twenty" + if(nNum > 20,"-" + xnum22txt(nNum-20)," "); ELSEIF nNum < 40 then set cRetval = "Thirty" + if(nNum > 30,"-" + xnum22txt(nNum-30)," "); ELSEIF nNum < 50 then set cRetval = "Forty" + if(nNum > 40,"-" + xnum22txt(nNum-40)," "); ELSEIF nNum < 60 then set cRetval = "Fifty" + if(nNum > 50,"-" + xnum22txt(nNum-50)," "); ELSEIF nNum < 70 then set cRetval = "Sixty" + if(nNum > 60,"-" + xnum22txt(nNum-60)," "); ELSEIF nNum < 80 then set cRetval = "Seventy" + if(nNum > 70,"-" + xnum22txt(nNum-70)," "); ELSEIF nNum < 90 then set cRetval = "Eighty" + if(nNum > 80,"-" + xnum22txt(nNum-80)," "); ELSEIF nNum < 100 then set cRetval = "Ninety" + if(nNum > 90,"-" + xnum22txt(nNum-90)," "); ELSEIF nNum < 1000 then set cX1 = floor(nNum/100); set cX2 = nNum-(cX1*100); set cRetval = xnum22txt(cX1) + "Hundred" + if(cX2 > 0," " + xnum22txt(cX2)," "); ELSEIF nNum < 1000000 then set cX1 = floor(nNum/1000); set cX2 = nNum-(cX1*1000); set cRetval = xnum22txt(cX1) + "Thousand" + if(cX2 > 0,", " + xnum22txt(cX2)," "); ELSEIF nNum < 1000000000 then set cX1 = floor(nNum/1000000); set cX2 = nNum-(cX1*1000000); set cRetval = xnum22txt(cX1) + "Million" + if(cX2 > 0,", " + xnum22txt(cX2)," "); ELSEIF nNum < 1000000000000 then set cX1 = floor(nNum/1000000000); set cX2 = nNum-(cX1*1000000000); set cRetval = xnum22txt(cX1) + "Billion" + if(cX2 > 0,", " + xnum22txt(cX2)," "); ELSE set cRetval = "***"; end if; select cRetVal; END