Our HR system specifies employee assignments, which can be concurrent. Our rostering system only allows one summary assignment for a person. Therefore I need to pre-process the HR records, so rostering can determine the number of shifts a worker is expected to work on a given day.
Looking just at worker A who has two assignments, the first is for a quarter shift and the second for a half shift, but overlapping in the middle where they work .75 shifts.
Person StartDate EndDate Shifts A 01/01/21 04/01/21 .25 A 03/01/21 06/01/21 .5 01---02---03---04---05---06---07 Rec 1 |------------------| Rec 2 | |===================| Total | 0.25 | 0.75 | 0.5 |
Required output.
Person StartDate EndDate ShiftCount A 01/01/21 02/01/21 0.25 A 03/01/21 04/01/21 0.75 A 05/01/21 06/01/21 0.5
Given this data, how do we sum and segment the data? I found an exact question for MySQL but the version was too early and code was suggested. I also found a Postgres solution but we don’t have ranges.
select * from ( values ('A','01/01/21','04/01/21',0.25), ('A','03/01/21','05/01/21',0.5) ) AS Data (Person,StartDate,EndDate,Shifts);
It looks like a Gaps-and-Islands to me.
If it helps, cte1
is used to expand the date ranges via an ad-hoc tally table. Then cte2
is used to create the Gaps-and-Islands. The final result is then a small matter of aggregation.
Set Dateformat DMY Declare @YourTable table (Person varchar(50),StartDate Date,EndDate date,Shifts decimal(10,2)) Insert Into @YourTable values ('A','01/01/21','04/01/21',0.25) ,('A','03/01/21','05/01/21',0.5) ;with cte1 as ( Select [Person] ,[d] = dateadd(DAY,N,StartDate) ,Shifts = sum(Shifts) From @YourTable A Join ( Select Top 1000 N=-1+Row_Number() Over (Order By (Select Null)) From master..spt_values n1,master..spt_values n2 ) B on N <= datediff(DAY,[StartDate],[EndDate]) Group By Person,dateadd(DAY,N,StartDate) ), cte2 as ( Select * ,Grp = datediff(day,'1900-01-01',d)-row_number() over (partition by Person,Shifts Order by d) From cte1 ) Select Person ,StartDate = min(d) ,EndDate = max(d) ,Shifts = max(Shifts) From cte2 Group By Person,Grp
Person StartDate EndDate Shifts A 2021-01-01 2021-01-02 0.25 A 2021-01-03 2021-01-04 0.75 A 2021-01-05 2021-01-05 0.50