I have a table charass
on this table I have a trigger
CREATE TRIGGER charassheattrigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON public.charass FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE public._charassheattrigger();
The function executed by this trigger looks like
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public._charassheattrigger() RETURNS trigger LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' COST 100 VOLATILE AS $BODY$ BEGIN IF (TG_OP = 'INSERT' OR (TG_OP = 'UPDATE' AND OLD.charass_value <> NEW.charass_value)) AND NEW.charass_char_id = 34 THEN IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT true FROM heat WHERE heat_number = NEW.charass_value) THEN INSERT INTO heat (heat_number,heat_created,heat_vend_id) SELECT NEW.charass_value,NOW(), order_vend_id FROM ls JOIN detail ON (ls_id = detail_ls_id) JOIN hist ON (detail_hist_id = hist_id) JOIN order ON (hist_order_id = order_id) WHERE hist_ordtype = 'PO' AND hist_transtype = 'RP' AND ls_id = NEW.charass_target_id; END IF; END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $BODY$;
When I look at the log file. I can see the statement executed
statement: INSERT INTO charass (charass_value, charass_target_type, charass_target_id, charass_char_id) VALUES ('123456789', 'LS', 1234, 34)
I check the heat table expecting to see a record with the heat_number as ‘123456789’ but nothing is in the heat table.
So i then open up pg admin and copy the above statement and execute it manually. Now there is a record in the heat table.
What is the difference between the manual insert and the one done by the application. Is there a way to tell? the username behind the statement is the same so it cant be a permission thing. I was wondering if there was some way to send information from the trigger function to the log file so I can review it
Add auto_explain
to shared_preload_libraries
in postgresql.conf
as well as these additional parameters:
auto_explain.log_nested_statements = on auto_explain.log_min_duration = 0
Then restart PostgreSQL.
Now you will get the statements inside the function logged, along with their execution plan.