Here is the data:
CREATE TABLE dbo.Correspondents ( ID smallint NOT NULL, ParentID smallint NULL, Name nvarchar(30) NOT NULL, OrderNumber int NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO dbo.Correspondents VALUES (1, null, 'A', 1), (2, 1, 'B', 2), (3, 1, 'C', 3), (4, 2, 'D', 1);
And the result i want:
ID|Name|HierarchicalNumber 1 | A| 1 2 | B| 1.2 3 | C| 1.3 4 | D| 1.2.1
The clue is that each entry has own order number, but the query should returns hierarchical number which contains all the parent numbers as a subsequence delimited by the point with the own number at the end. The main feature requests an ability of providing a hierarchical number for any entry, so the query should be able to receive an ID of the entry and to return a hierarchical number of this. DBMS is MSSQL 2017. Thanks in advance!
You want a recursive CTE
with h as ( select *, cast(OrderNumber as varchar(max)) hid from dbo.Correspondents where ParentID is null union all select c.*, h.hid + '.' + cast(c.OrderNumber as varchar(10)) from dbo.Correspondents c join h on c.ParentID ) select * from h order by hid;
It can be refactored as a TVF as well
create function gethid(@id int) returns table as return with h as ( select *, cast(OrderNumber as varchar(max)) hid from dbo.Correspondents where ParentID is null union all select c.*, h.hid + '.' + cast(c.OrderNumber as varchar(10)) from dbo.Correspondents c join h on c.ParentID -- stop when @id is found and != @id ) select * from h where id = @id;