My query is shown below.
SELECT *, SUM(A.money_step) over ( partition by A.id_key, A.P ORDER BY A.actual_date ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW )as accumulated FROM ( SELECT A.*, ( SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(*) >= 2 THEN 2 ELSE 1 END FROM example B WHERE B.id_key = A.id_key AND B.actual_date <= A.actual_date AND attendance_status = 15 ) P FROM example A )A ORDER BY A.id_key,A.actual_date
Is it possible to represent the subquery as a join in the FROM clause? I work with the “denodo” tool, where I cannot easily do the subquery in the from clause.
You can transfer your Sub Query to a CTE as below-
WITH CTE AS ( SELECT A.*, ( SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(*) >= 2 THEN 2 ELSE 1 END FROM your_table B WHERE B.id_key = A.id_key AND B.actual_date <= A.actual_date AND attendance_status = 15 ) P FROM your_table A ) SELECT actual_date,id_key,attendance_status,money_step, SUM(A.money_step) over ( partition by A.id_key, A.P ORDER BY A.actual_date ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW )as accumulated FROM CTE A ORDER BY A.id_key,A.actual_date
Also you can put your Sub query directly in the WINDOW function in the Partition part as below-
SELECT *, SUM(A.money_step) over ( partition by A.id_key,( SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(*) >= 2 THEN 2 ELSE 1 END FROM your_table B WHERE B.id_key = A.id_key AND B.actual_date <= A.actual_date AND attendance_status = 15 ) ORDER BY A.actual_date ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW )as accumulated FROM your_table A