I need help on my query to display data only for an specific condition.
Here is the query
select sv.lookupCode as shipment, tv.materialLookupCode, tv.vendorLotLookupCode, sv.shippedDate from datex_footprint.ShipmentsView sv join datex_footprint.TasksView tv on sv.id = tv.shipmentId where sv.typeId = 2 and sv.statusId = 8 and sv.shippedDate Between Dateadd(mm,-30,getdate()) ANd getdate() and sv.lookupCode = '58321' and tv.operationCodeId = 8 and tv.projectId = 490 group by sv.lookupCode, tv.materialLookupCode, tv.vendorLotLookupCode, sv.shippedDate
So in my query I need to add where it should only return those 4 highlighted rows which are 4, so basically it should only return duplicate materialLookupcodes having more than 1 vendorlotlookupcode
You can do:
with q as ( -- your query here ), s as ( select shipment, materialLookupCode, min(vendorLotLookupCode) as min_code, max(vendorLotLookupCode) as max_code from q group by shipment, materialLookupCode ) select q.* from q join s on s.shipment = q.shipment and s.materialLookupCode = q.materialLookupCode where s.min_code <> s.max_code
Alternatively, it could be shorter to use a window function computing DISTINCT
row values, but I don’t think this is implemented in SQL Server [yet].