I am trying to use IIF() to return the cast of a column as a date but only when the value isn’t a blank string [the values are not being stored as a null in the database I am working with].
I tried to use ISNULL as a better intermediary but because a date returns as 1900-01-01 it isn’t working correctly. It seems to work with other data types (int).
Example table
CREATE TABLE #temp_test ( [reg_dt] varchar(10) ) insert into #temp_test SELECT '' insert into #temp_test SELECT '' insert into #temp_test SELECT '' insert into #temp_test SELECT '' INSERT INTO #temp_test select '20080509' select * from #temp_test
Example of IIF test (appears to function properly, I have also tested the inverse =”, ‘false’, ‘true’); when I uncomment the try_convert and remove ‘true’, an error is encountered
SELECT IIF([reg_dt] != '', 'true' --TRY_CONVERT(date, [reg_dt], 112) , 'false') [reg_dt] FROM [#temp_test];
Example of ISNULL (returns 1900-01-01)
SELECT ISNULL(TRY_CONVERT( DATE, [reg_dt], 112), '') [reg_dt] from [#temp_test]
I expect the output to be a blank value if the existing value was blank and, if not, a date value to be returned. I think converting to date before checking for null values would probably be best, because if an invalid date is passed (such as 04/31/2019) then that would be converted to a blank value which is the preferred functionality in this case.
The below code DOES work but I’m really not sure if this is the best way to do it.
select ISNULL(NULLIF(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CAST([reg_dt] as date), 112), '19000101'), '') as [reg_dt] from #temp_test
I expect the output to be a blank value if the existing value was blank and, if not, a date value to be returned.
Every column from the result set must have a data type. DATE
data types can’t hold empty stings, only valid dates or NULL
. If you want to see an empty string, then you will have to work with a string data type, like VARCHAR
Check these examples:
DECLARE @Varchar VARCHAR(100) = '' SELECT EmptyVarchar = @Varchar, EmptyVarcharAsDate = CONVERT(DATE, @Varchar), CaseExpression = CASE WHEN @Varchar = '' THEN '' ELSE CONVERT(DATE, @Varchar) END
EmptyVarchar EmptyVarcharAsDate CaseExpression 1900-01-01 1900-01-01
If we check which data type the CASE
is actually returning…
DECLARE @Varchar VARCHAR(100) = '' SELECT ResultType = SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY( CASE WHEN @Varchar = '' THEN '' ELSE CONVERT(DATE, @Varchar) END, 'BaseType')
ResultType date
You see that the CASE
(an IIF
works similar) is returning a date type, so the empty string is implicitly converting to the default date of 1900-01-01
A way to handle dates and return them as an empty strings when they can’t be converted would be the following:
DECLARE @VarcharDates TABLE (VarcharDate VARCHAR(100)) INSERT INTO @VarcharDates (VarcharDate) VALUES (''), (NULL), ('NULL'), ('15'), ('2019'), ('2019-05'), ('31/01/2000'), ('1800-01-01'), ('20190503'), ('20190503111111') SELECT V.VarcharDate, DateAsVarchar = CASE WHEN V.VarcharDate = '' THEN '' ELSE ISNULL( CONVERT(VARCHAR(100), TRY_CONVERT(DATE, V.VarcharDate, 112)), '') END FROM @VarcharDates AS V
VarcharDate DateAsVarchar NULL NULL 15 2019 2019-01-01 2019-05 31/01/2000 1800-01-01 20190503 2019-05-03 20190503111111