I have a set of SQL like and I would like to convert it to function or a stored procedure in an automated way:
create table test as select * from test1; DELETE FROM test WHERE e_id LIKE '%00-01'; MERGE INTO test tgt USING ( SELECT LISTAGG(e_val, ':') WITHIN GROUP( ORDER BY e_id ) OVER(PARTITION BY unique_id, line) e_val, CASE WHEN e_id IN ('BHT03-02', 'BHT03-03') THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END del FROM test WHERE e_id IN ( 'ABC03-01' ) ) src ON ( tgt.unique_id = src.unique_id AND tgt.line = src.line AND tgt.e_id = src.e_id ) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET tgt.e_value = src.e_value DELETE WHERE src.del = 'Y';
Is there any easy way of creating a stored procedure or function using this?
You can just enclose this code between procedure definition
create or replace procedure do_some_work as begin --paste your code here; end;
you can run this procedure by calling it :
EXEC do_some_work;