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latest timestamp with other variables being same

Hi I have a SQL table which has 6 columns, one of which is timestamp. I need to know how to retain only the row that has the most recent timestamp.


1      |375  |xxyyxx    |1234      |abcd    |2020-05-05
1      |372  |xxyyxx    |122       |abcd    |2020-05-04
1      |372  |xxyyxx    |122       |abcd    |2020-05-05
1      |375  |xxyyxx    |1234      |abcd    |2020-05-07
1      |375  |xxyyxx    |123       |abcd    |2020-05-07
2      |420  |xxyyyx    |1432      |bcda    |2020-05-07
2      |420  |xxyyyx    |1432      |bcda    |2020-05-06
2      |420  |xxyyyx    |1432      |bcda    |2020-05-13

What I need my table to look like is

1      |375  |xxyyxx    |1234      |abcd    |2020-05-07
1      |372  |xxyyxx    |122       |abcd    |2020-05-05
1      |375  |xxyyxx    |123       |abcd    |2020-05-07
2      |420  |xxyyyx    |1432      |bcda    |2020-05-13

So I want to return the latest timestamp when all other variables are equal to each other over the two or more timestamps.

What to write to arrive at this? I have tried too many things which are just not working. pLease help



Simply do a GROUP BY:

select Product, Price, Product_id, Stock_code, supplier, max(timestamp)
from tablename
group by Product, Price, Product_id, Stock_code, supplier
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