I have one table as below
A B C D E 2471 D471 0 24.00 1 2471 D471 0 353.50 1 2471 D471 1 211.00 1 2471 E471 1 343.00 1 2471 E471 0 56.00 1 2471 E471 0 177.06 1 2471 E471 0 9.31 1 2471 F471 0 10.31 1 2471 F471 1 10.31 1
I need to group on A,B and C and need to sum the value of E, example table below how it looks after summing up
A B C E SumValue 2471 D471 0 1 377.500000 2471 D471 1 1 211.000000 2471 E471 1 1 343.000000 2471 E471 0 1 242.370000 2471 F471 0 1 10.31 2471 F471 1 1 10.31
I need to compare the SumValue by grouping A,B,C of first row which C has 0 with the second row which C has 1 and which ever has the lowest value those records should come as 1 in E column rest of the records should come as 0 in E column. If the SumValue is same whereas in the last two rows then E column should come as 1 where C is 1 and E column should come as 0 where C is 0.
The output I need is like this…All I need to do in this scenario is updating E column..
A B C D E 2471 D471 0 24.00 0 2471 D471 0 353.50 0 2471 D471 1 211.00 1 2471 E471 1 343.00 0 2471 E471 0 56.00 1 2471 E471 0 177.06 1 2471 E471 0 9.31 1 2471 F471 0 10.31 0 2471 F471 1 10.31 1
Scripts to create table and insert data
CREATE TABLE tablename ([A] int, [B] varchar(10), [C] int, [D] decimal(10, 2), [E] int) ; INSERT INTO tablename ([A], [B], [C], [D], [E]) VALUES (2471, 'D471', 0, 24.00, 1), (2471, 'D471', 0, 353.50, 1), (2471, 'D471', 1, 211.00, 1), (2471, 'E471', 1, 343.00, 1), (2471, 'E471', 0, 56.00, 1), (2471, 'E471', 0, 177.06, 1), (2471, 'E471', 0, 9.31, 1), (2471, 'F471', 0, 10.31, 1), (2471, 'F471', 1, 10.31, 1) ;
If you have any questions on this query, please let me know
If I understand correctly:
with toupdate as ( select t.*, dense_rank() over (partition by a, b order by sum_d, c desc) as seqnum from (select t.*, sum(d) over (partition by a, b, c) as sum_d from tablename t ) t ) update toupdate set e = (case when seqnum = 1 then 1 else 0 end);