I need to return values from ‘ ‘ from below string (eg. for psOrderByClause I need value xxx_seqno). Additionally I’ve also need to return TRUE/FALSE values for some variables – there is no single quotes (eg. pbUseDisplayName I need TRUE).
I doesn’t has to be in one query, there should be seperate query for every variable (eg. psOrderByClause, psSeparator etc.)
prcCSVGenerator(pnRunKey => pnRunKey, pnConfigKey => pnConfigKey, psOrderByClause => ‘xxx_seqno’, psSeparator => ‘|’, pbUseDisplayName => TRUE, pbUseWindowsEOL => TRUE);
For example from above string I need to return xxx_seqno in one query and TRUE for another one
There is not always ‘spaces’ like above, sometimes it looks like “psOrderByClause=> ‘xxx_seqno’” or “psOrderByClause=>’xxx_seqno’“
I’m not feeling Regex well, I’ve only something like this, but this returns all characters after psSeparator
REGEXP_SUBSTR (text,'(psSeparator)(.*)’,1,1,’i’,2) regex
Can anyone help me with that?
You can use:
SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR( value, q'[psOrderByClauses*=>s*('(''|[^'])*'|.*?)s*(,|))]', 1, 1, 'i', 1 ) AS psOrderByClause, REGEXP_SUBSTR( value, q'[psSeparators*=>s*('(''|[^'])*'|.*?)s*(,|))]', 1, 1, 'i', 1 ) AS psSeparator, REGEXP_SUBSTR( value, q'[pbUseDisplayNames*=>s*('(''|[^'])*'|.*?)s*(,|))]', 1, 1, 'i', 1 ) AS pbUseDisplayName, REGEXP_SUBSTR( value, q'[pbUseWindowsEOLs*=>s*('(''|[^'])*'|.*?)s*(,|))]', 1, 1, 'i', 1 ) AS pbUseWindowsEOL FROM table_name
Which, for the sample data:
CREATE TABLE table_name ( value ) AS SELECT 'prcCSVGenerator(pnRunKey => pnRunKey, pnConfigKey => pnConfigKey, psOrderByClause => ''xxx_seqno'', psSeparator => ''|'', pbUseDisplayName => TRUE, pbUseWindowsEOL => TRUE);' FROM DUAL
If you don’t want the surrounding quotes then you can trim them as required.
db<>fiddle here