I’m trying to update an old PHP project and I’m not really aware of PHP 4 and 5. I don’t fully understand what is going on in the snippet below..
isn’t declared anywhere and I get Notice: Undefined variable: page_num. There’s a lot of undefined variables in the code and multiple uses of mysql_result
which is not supported in PHP 7.
PHP snippet:
if ($page_num) { $getpage_IDquery = MYSQL_QUERY("SELECT page_ID FROM pages WHERE ID='$ID' AND page_num='$page_num' ORDER BY page_ID"); if (mysql_num_rows($getpage_IDquery) > 0) { $page_ID = MYSQL_RESULT($getpage_IDquery,0,"page_ID"); } }
In the query (SELECT page_ID FROM pages WHERE ID='$ID' AND page_num='$page_num' ORDER BY page_ID
) there are $ID
and $page_num
which, also, aren’t defined anywhere in the code – not sure what is to be accomplished with it..
'pages' > ID, page_ID, picture, page_num;
Can anyone help me update the snippet to PHP7 using mysqli? What is mysql_result alternative?
You are using the variable $page_num
in the if condition, but it seems to be never have been declared or initialized before. It is not the query producing the error, it is the if-statement.
I’ve altered the code to use PDO. You need to create the connection, first.
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=db', $username, $password, $options);
You could add additional validation in the condition by doing
if (!empty($page_num) && $page_num > 0) { $sth = $pdo->prepare("SELECT page_ID FROM pages WHERE ID=? AND page_num=? ORDER BY page_ID"); $sth->execute([$ID, $page_num]); $page_ID = 0; if($sth->rowCount()) { $row = $sth->fetchObject(); if ($row) $page_ID = $row->page_ID; } }