I am attempting to include all data from my calendar table and only the data from my sales table that meets the where criteria. My issue is that the query I am executing ONLY returns the months that the WHERE person has sales.
How should this MySQL query be altered so that everything from LEFT table is returned?
Create Table InvoiceDataCalendar ( id INT, cal_month_year varchar(90) ); Create Table Sales ( salesperson varchar(50), sale_month_year varchar(90), sale_amount int ); INSERT INTO Sales Values ('Bruce 1', 'Jan 18', 200); INSERT INTO Sales Values ('Bruce 1', 'Feb 19', 400); INSERT INTO Sales Values ('Jimmy 2', 'Jan 18', 200); INSERT INTO Sales Values ('Jimmy 2', 'Feb 19', 400); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (1, 'Jan 18'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (2, 'Jan 19'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (3, 'Feb 18'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (4, 'Feb 19'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (5, 'Mar 18'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (6, 'Mar 19'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (7, 'Apr 18'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (8, 'Apr 19'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (9, 'May 18'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (10, 'May 19'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (11,'Jun 18'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (12, 'Jun 19'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (13, 'Jul 18'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (14, 'Jul 19'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (15,'Aug 18'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (16, 'Aug 19'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (17, 'Sep 18'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (18, 'Sep 19'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (19, 'Oct 18'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (20, 'Oct 19'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (21, 'Nov 18'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (22, 'Nov 19'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (23, 'Dec 18'); Insert Into InvoiceDataCalendar VALUES (24, 'Dec 19'); Select ic.cal_month_year ,s.salesperson ,SUM(s.sale_amount) As TotalSales FROM InvoiceDataCalendar ic LEFT JOIN Sales s ON ic.cal_month_year = s.sale_month_year WHERE s.salesperson = 'Bruce 1' GROUP BY ic.cal_month_year, s.salesperson, ic.id ORDER BY id ASC;
You should not use left joined table’s column in where condition because this way work as an inner join
instead add the condition to the ON clause
Select ic.cal_month_year ,s.salesperson ,SUM(s.sale_amount) As TotalSales FROM InvoiceDataCalendar ic LEFT JOIN Sales s ON ic.cal_month_year = s.sale_month_year AND s.salesperson = 'Bruce 1' GROUP BY ic.cal_month_year, s.salesperson, ic.id ORDER BY id ASC;