I framed a query to get the counts grouped by a date column from 2 tables.
select count(*),TO_CHAR(CREATION_DATE,'DD/Mon/YY HH') as Date_TIME,'Table_1' as TABLE_NAME from TABLE 1 where CREATION_DATE > TO_DATE('01/10/2020','DD/MM/YYYY') group by TO_CHAR(CREATION_DATE,'DD/Mon/YY HH') UNION select count(*),TO_CHAR(CREATION_DATE,'DD/Mon/YY HH') as Date_TIME , 'Table_2' as TABLE_NAME from TABLE 2 where CREATION_DATE > TO_DATE('01/10/2020','DD/MM/YYYY') group by TO_CHAR(CREATION_DATE,'DD/Mon/YY HH')
I wanted to get the results from both tables, hence I used UNION
. And since I wanted the hourly breakup of counts I grouped by TO_CHAR(CREATION_DATE, 'DD/Mon/YY HH')
The output is something like this:
443 14/Oct/20 04 Table_1 861 14/Oct/20 04 Table_2 371 14/Oct/20 05 Table_1 323 14/Oct/20 06 Table_2
As you can see, I want the output counts to be summed up by the hour from both the tables and give a result like this:
1304 14/Oct/20 04 Table_1 371 14/Oct/20 05 Table_1 323 14/Oct/20 06 Table_2
I can do this excel, but it’s not practical. I am thinking of CASE statements in Oracle but never really implemented it.
Database: Oracle Editor: Toad for Oracle
Use your current query as data source for the final result:
SELECT SUM (cnt) sum_cnt, date_time, MAX (table_name) table_name FROM ( SELECT COUNT (*) cnt, TO_CHAR (creation_date, 'DD/Mon/YY HH') AS date_time, 'Table_1' AS table_name FROM TABLE_1 WHERE creation_date > TO_DATE ('01/10/2020', 'DD/MM/YYYY') GROUP BY TO_CHAR (creation_date, 'DD/Mon/YY HH') UNION SELECT COUNT (*), TO_CHAR (creation_date, 'DD/Mon/YY HH') AS date_time, 'Table_2' AS table_name FROM TABLE_2 WHERE creation_date > TO_DATE ('01/10/2020', 'DD/MM/YYYY') GROUP BY TO_CHAR (creation_date, 'DD/Mon/YY HH')) GROUP BY date_time ORDER BY date_time, table_name