I face a database with a lot of entries (~19 million). On my server queries take about 20 seconds and return a lot of results. But in the frontend (a chart) I don’t need every single row, so my idea is to return only 100 elements of the resulting rows. But not the 100 first or the 100 last: 100 uniformly distributed elements of those rows. In other words, I want to be able to specify a resolution of my data.
Here is some pseudocode.
SELECT time, type, value FROM [table_name] WHERE time >= [start_date] AND time <= [end_date] AND type = [any_type] LIMIT 100 UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED OVER RESULTS;
Do you have any ideas on how to write the query for this? Is this even possible?
You can use analytical funcrion count and row_number as follows (please use functions and syntax according to your database):
Select * from (SELECT time, type, value, Row_number(1) over (order by time) as rn, Count(1) over() as cnt FROM [table_name] WHERE time >= [start_date] AND time <= [end_date] AND type = [any_type]) t Where mod(rn,trunc(cnt/100)) = 0 Order by time limit 100