Query should output a certain list of Items, along with info like store information and manager info. Uses a Cursor to flip through list of various different levels of management, selects relevant information, then emails that person what the query returned for their district/region/store.
My issue is with the SSIS leg of the journey. Although the code acts like it runs, if I run Itemdata.dtsx separately (so as to see errors), it throws me the error:
“Warning: The external columns for component “Sources-ItemData”(1) are out of sync with the data source columns. The external column “RM_Email”(49) needs to be removed from the external columns. The external column “SM_Email”(46) needs to be removed from the external columns. The external column “DM_Email”(43) needs to be removed from the external columns.”
This results in SQL Server Mngt Studio saying it ran, but the emails’ contents are nothing but the table headers; no data, and the table headers don’t change regardless of what I do.
I have eliminated these columns from any mention in my source code (posted below) and in the Table it uses. What am I missing?
BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @ProcedureName varchar(255) DECLARE @ExportFolder varchar(255) DECLARE @TempFolder varchar(255) DECLARE @WarningLevel varchar(255) = 'log' DECLARE @MsgDescription varchar(2000) = '' DECLARE @RecordCount int = 0 DECLARE @ReportDate date = getdate() DECLARE @Begdate date = convert(date,(dateadd(month,-1,getdate()))) DECLARE @Enddate date = convert(date,(dateadd(day,-1,getdate()))) DECLARE @Siteid int DECLARE @Subject varchar(75) = '' DECLARE @Body varchar(50) = '' DECLARE @RMLastName varchar(25) DECLARE @RMFirstName varchar(25) DECLARE @RegionKey int DECLARE @DistrictKey int DECLARE @Email varchar(50) BEGIN TRY --Table used as data source for each pass Truncate Table Example.dbo.itemdata --Send reports to Regional Managers by building Cursor RMListCursor, --then running SELECT statement against each name (using @RMLastName and @RMFirstName to discern), --then emails results of SELECT statement to that Regional Manager. --Goes through CursorList, then ends. BEGIN --Set cursor for RM Email; returns all regional managers. DECLARE RMListCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT distinct t.lastname, t.firstname, t.Email FROM Example.[dbo].[tblUser] t JOIN example.dbo.vStoreDistrictRegionActive vs ON t.LastName = vs.RMLastName and t.FirstName = vs.RMFirstName ORDER BY LastName OPEN RMListCursor FETCH NEXT FROM RMListCursor INTO @RMLastName , @RMFirstName , @Email WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0--(@SetInt < 6) BEGIN Truncate table Example.dbo.itemdata --Builds data, then inserts into Table built for this query. Note that there is no mention of DM_EMAIL, RM_EMAIL, or SM_EMail anywhere. INSERT INTO Example.dbo.itemdata SELECT InvoiceNumber, shipFROMid, ad.SiteId, MfrCode, PartCode, UnitNetCore, ad.QuantityShipped, ShipDate, --First/Last Name of this item's store's District Manager. rtrim(substring((SELECT ISNULL(DMfirstName,'') FROM example.dbo.vSiteRegionDistrictActiveV2 dm WHERE ad.siteid = dm.SiteNumber),1,30)) + ' ' + substring((SELECT ISNULL(DMLastName,'') FROM example.dbo.vSiteRegionDistrictActiveV2 dm WHERE ad.siteid = dm.SiteNumber),1,30) DM --This is where DM_EMAIL, RM_EMAIL, and SM_EMail originally were before they were removed from both here and .ItemData. FROM example.dbo.vInvoiceHeaderDetail_Adis ad join example.dbo.Site ss on ad.SiteId=ss.siteid join example.dbo.vStoreDistrictRegionActive vs on ad.SiteId = vs.SiteId WHERE ad.siteid is not null and UnitNetCore>=250 and SUBSTRING(InvoiceNumber,2,1)='D' and QuantityShipped>0 and isactive=1 and isowned=1 and ShipDate between @Begdate and @Enddate and vs.RMFirstName = @RMFirstName and vs.RMLastname = @RMLastName ORDER BY ad.SiteId,ShipFROMID,shipdate -- Execute SSIS package which downloads table to d: for email. set @RecordCount=@@ROWCOUNT --Quick check so that if the results were blank, don't bother sending a blank email. IF @RecordCount<>0 BEGIN set @Subject = 'Cores billed from PWI >= $250 ' + cast(CONVERT(date,GETDATE()) as varchar(12)) set @Body = 'Run date/time- ' + cast(GETDATE() as CHAR(20)) EXEC xp_cmdshell 'd:"Program Files (x86)""Microsoft SQL Server"100DTSBinnDTexec.exe /f "D:etlbulkssisMiscItemInfo.dtsx"' EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name ='SQL Mail', @recipients ='test', --@email @subject = @Subject, @body = @Body, @body_format = 'HTML', @File_attachments = 'D:exporttempItemInfo.xls', @attach_query_result_as_file =0, @query_attachment_filename='ItemInfo.xls', @query_result_width = 500 END --Brings CURSOR back up to next name on List, repeats process. FETCH NEXT FROM RMListCursor INTO @RMLastName , @RMFirstName , @Email END END CLOSE RMListCursor DEALLOCATE RMListCursor END TRY BEGIN CATCH SET @WarningLevel = 'error' SET @MsgDescription = 'SQL Err= [' + CAST(ERROR_MESSAGE() as varchar(200)) + ' (' + CAST(ERROR_LINE() as varchar) + ')]' EXEC example.dbo.spAddSysMessage 'Store Aging', @WarningLevel , @ProcedureName , '', 'EOM Store Aging Report', @RecordCount END CATCH END
Recheck column assignment between source and destination and in-between component as well.
Give it a try by setting data flow component’s Properties, ValidateExternalMetadata to False.
Please have a look of this as well.