i have 2 kind of big database tables : [product] and [product_position], a product may change position so i use a function product_pos(product_id) to get the current (meaning last) position of a said product. in my Apex report i need to show each product with its current position with this query:
SELECT id, serial_n, product_name, product_pos(id) as position FROM product
the function product_pos :
create or replace FUNCTION product_pos(id_p IN NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR AS res varchar2(20); BEGIN select new_pos into res from product_position v where v.product_id=id_p order by date_move desc fetch first 1 rows only; return res; END product_pos;
the problem i have now is the fetching time, in the apex report page it takes almost 30 seconds for every loading/refresh. i thought about adding a column [position] in the product table and updating it by using a trigger for every insert/update/delete on [product_position] but that leaves a possibility for errors when someone changes the position in the [product] table manually. now is there a way to reduce the processing time or maybe a way to proceed with the trigger solution with no errors by making the new [position] column changeable by trigger only?
A function can impede the optimizer. You might find that a simple query works better. For instance:
SELECT p.id, p.serial_n, p.product_name, pp.new_pos as position FROM product p LEFT JOIN (SELECT pp.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY pp.product_id ORDER BY pp.id DESC) as seqnum FROM product_position pp ) pp ON pp.product_id = p.id AND pp.seqnum = 1;
Or a lateral join:
SELECT p.id, p.serial_n, p.product_name, pp.new_pos as position FROM product p LEFT JOIN LATERAL (SELECT pp.* FROM product_position pp WHERE pp.product_id = p.id ORDER BY pp.id DESC FETCH FIRST 1 ROW ONLY ) pp ON 1=1;
Regardless, you want an index on product_position(product_id, id, new_pos)
for performance.