In VBA Excel (Office 365) trhough using a connection string like "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;data source=..."
and using the command string SELECT * FROM [text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited;Delimiter=';';database=KKS].[kks.csv];
the results are:
when the CSV source looks like this:
rng;key;component; "0";"A";"Grid and distribution systems"; "0";"B";"Power transmission and auxiliary power supply";
The schema.ini
[kks.csv] ColNameHeader=True Format=CSVDelimited Decimalsymbol=(,) Delimiter=(;)
I have tried any combination for the connection string and for schema.ini (also removing it completely) and the results are the same at best. Any suggestion? Thank you!
change the Schema.ini as below.
[kks.csv] Format = Delimited(;)