Maybe more of a standard sql question (it might use some of bigquery’s array functions somehow though), but wondering how to concisely calculate the dot product of two (same-sized) vector fields of a table
I’m looking for what the details are for the sql in the “[ ]” here:
Select [dot product formula involving a.vector1 and a.vector2] from a
Below is simple example to demonstrate approach
For BigQuery Standard SQL
#standardSQL WITH `project.dataset.table` AS ( SELECT [1,2,3,4,5] vector1, [5,4,3,2,1] vector2 ) SELECT *, (SELECT SUM(element1 * element2) FROM t.vector1 element1 WITH OFFSET pos JOIN t.vector2 element2 WITH OFFSET pos USING(pos) ) dot_prodict FROM `project.dataset.table` t
with result
Row vector1 vector2 dot_prodict 1 1 5 35 2 4 3 3 4 2 5 1