I want to return only the very first Process dated transaction for each User ID in this designated time-frame that was within 1 year of the purchase_date.
From what we have:
User ID Transaction Purchase D Process Date ZZ1316567 11004463720 10/4/2018 3/9/2020 ZZ1316567 41004401606 10/4/2018 1/9/2019 ZZ1316567 41004413203 10/4/2018 5/10/2019 ZZ1316567 41004447152 10/4/2018 10/23/2019 ZZ1316567 41004462755 10/4/2018 10/23/2019 VV1454366 41004457424 4/27/2017 12/11/2019 VV1454366 51004365427 4/27/2017 8/10/2018 VV1454366 11004401749 3/24/2017 12/20/2018 SS1456449 41004315438 3/24/2017 10/31/2017 SS1456449 41004323671 3/24/2017 12/14/2017 SS1456449 41004329229 3/24/2017 1/15/2018 SS1456449 41004356097 3/24/2017 6/11/2018 SS1456449 51004292754 3/24/2017 6/7/2017 SS1456449 51004334495 3/24/2017 1/15/2018 TT1474544 11004409317 6/30/2017 4/14/2019 TT1474544 41004428284 6/30/2017 8/7/2019
Select * From ( Select Distinct USER_ID, Transaction, Purchase_date, Process_date Row_Number() OVER (PARTITION BY USER_ID ORDER BY Transaction) AS Uniqueness From Table1 Where Purchase_date between DATEADD(YEAR,-4,GetDate()) and GetDate() AND Purchase_date < DATEADD(year, 1, process_date) ) As Z Where Uniqueness = 1
What I want is it restricted to THIS as these BELOW are the only transactions from the list that had their transactions process date within 1 year of the purchase date and were first among those transactions even if there was another one for the same user within that time-frame i.e. exclude ANY and EVERYTHING that does not fit this criteria:
User ID Transaction Purchase Date Process Date ZZ1316567 41004401606 10/4/2018 1/9/2019 SS1456449 51004292754 3/24/2017 6/7/2017
What am I missing? Am I going about this wrong?
The only issue is of ‘swapping of Purchase_date
and Process_date
Just change like following and you should get the desired result:
AND process_date < DATEADD(year, 1, Purchase_date)
Also, please use Process_date
in the order by
as suggested by @avery_larry.