I want to update user’s salaries in a given department by 10K if they have T in their names otherwise n*10k where n is the saraly category which is from 1 to 5. But somehow Update query is not updating the rows.
I create a cursor, and fetch them into rec variable. And then check if the name has ‘T’, otherwise I set inc variable to salary category and update the row appropriately.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE sal_increase(p_deptno INTEGER) IS cursor curs is select empno, e.ename, e.sal, sc.category , lowest_sal, highest_sal from emp2 e join nikovits.sal_cat sc on lowest_sal <= sal and sal <= highest_sal where deptno = p_deptno FOR UPDATE; rec curs%ROWTYPE; i integer := 1; i_out varchar2(30); inc integer := 1; has_t integer := 0; begin OPEN curs; loop FETCH curs INTO rec; EXIT WHEN curs%NOTFOUND; has_t := 0; for i in 1..length(rec.ename) loop i_out := substr(rec.ename,i,1); if i_out = 'T' then has_t := 1; end if; end loop; if has_t = 0 then inc := rec.category; end if; if has_t = 1 then DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(rec.ename||' has T, increment is 10000'); else DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(rec.ename||' Doesnt have T, salery category is '|| rec.category ||' increment is '|| inc ||'*10000'); end if; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('update begins...'); UPDATE emp2 e1 SET sal = sal + (inc * 10000) WHERE CURRENT OF curs; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('After update'||rec.ename||'"salary: '||rec.sal); end loop; CLOSE curs; end; / set serveroutput on execute sal_increase(20); select empno, e.ename, e.sal, sc.category , lowest_sal, highest_sal from emp2 e join nikovits.sal_cat sc on lowest_sal <= sal and sal <= highest_sal where deptno = 20;
You don’t need a PL/SQL Block. Only using a single Update statement is enough :
UPDATE emp2 e1 SET sal = sal + ( SELECT 10000 * case when instr(e.ename,'T')>0 then 1 else sc.category end FROM emp2 e JOIN sal_cat sc ON lowest_sal <= sal AND sal <= highest_sal WHERE empno = e1.empno ) WHERE deptno = :p_deptno;
where an employees’ salary will have a coefficient equals to 1, if his name contain a letter T