I am struggling with a query. I need to be able to show outstanding orders (not shipped).
An order item can have a date when the customer is expecting the item by. This can be NULL.
I have the following tables
SalesOrderId (PK)
SalesOrderItem (PK) SalesOrderId (FK) Qty Description DateExpected (DateTime | Nullable)
ShipmentId (PK)
ShipmentItemId (PK) ShipmentId (FK) SalesOrderItemId (FK) Qty
A sales order item can have many shipment items relating to it (for split shipping).
I need a list of outstanding orders with the next expected date for each. I am struggling because I am not sure of the most economic way of doing this.
I could select all of the orders that have calculated ShippedQty < calculated OrderedQty and then join that to the order items again to get MIN(DateExpected)
but I think that would be quite cumbersome with a large dataset.
The columns I need from the query would be:
Query Result
SalesOrderId NextDateExpected (Date or NULL)
Any pointers appreciated.
A straightforward way with CTE and subselect could be
WITH cte as (select SalesOrderID , Min(DateExpected) DateExpected from SalesOrderItem o group by SalesOrderId, SalesOrderItem having sum(Qty) <> (select COALESCE(sum(qty),0) from ShipmentItem s where s.SalesOrderItem = o.SalesOrderItem) ) select SalesOrderId, Min(DateExpected) DateExpected from cte group by SalesOrderId
Feel free to use and amend the fiddle to improve your question.
But Mark B has a point int saying a boolen flag for finished SalesOrders would be good, but maybe such a query could help marking SalesOrders as finished periodicly…